Chapter 2, Book 1--Amy

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I'm Amy, the daughter of Detective Danny Reagan and the granddaughter of the Commissioner. I live with my two grandpa's, Frank Reagan and Henry Reagan and I go to school with my cousin Nicky

"Amy!" Henry yelled

"5 more minutes" I yelled back

"Come on, your going to be late for school" he yelled again

"Fine" I yelled back

I got out of bed and got ready for the day and I noticed a cut just below my left eye but I put my hair in front of it so my grandparents wouldn't notice

"What's under your eye" Frank asked me

"What do you mean?" I asked

"It looks like a cut" Henry said

"Its not" I responded

"Looks like a cut to me" Frank said

"Its not" I responded, "I'm going to school" I walked out

"Be home right after school" Henry yelled as I walked out

"Okay Grandpa" I replied

Later at school

"Ms. Reagan" the teacher said

"Yes?" I responded

"You seem distracted" he replied

"I'm not" I said

"You sure?" He asked

"Yes" I replied

"Okay, then what were we talking about?" He asked

"The pacific war" I responded

"Thats correct" he replied

After school

"Hey Amy" Nicky said

"Hey" I responded

"Wanna get a ride home?" She asked

"I think I'll just wait until Uncle Jamie comes or grandpa" I said

"Mom can drop you off at the police department where grandpa is" she said

"Okay" I responded

"Hey girls" Erin said

"Hey mom" Nicky said

"Hi Aunt Erin" I responded

"So, where you headed" Erin asked me when I buckled

"Where grandpa Frank is" I replied

"Okay" Erin responded

I got dropped off and went to Frank's office when he wasnt there and sat at his desk and waited for him

"Would you like anything Amy?" Abigail Baker asked me

"No thanks, thank you anyway Baker" I replied

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Garrett asked me as I was doing homework

"Just waiting for my grandpa" I responded "and doing homework"

"Your grandfather is not here at the moment Ms. Reagan" Baker said

"I'll just wait here then" I responded going on his account

"What are you doing" Garrett asked

"Nothing" I responded and said to myself "here it is, the information about Uncle Joe that Grandpa Frank and Grandpa Henry aren't telling me"

Frank comes in

"Amy Reagan" he said

"Grandpa" I said minimizing what I was looking up

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