Chapter 10, Book 1--Amy(continued)

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I woke up the next morning ready for the day I guess, I was never one for getting up or anything like that but I knew I had to for school. I got up and got ready for the day, I whistled and saw King come down the hall from being downstairs. I got dressed and went downstairs where I got breakfast, I gave my grandfather a quick kiss on the cheek then I headed out to my car to go to school. I got in my car and started it. I sighed and put it in gear and I started driving to the school.

On my way there I didn't see a car and it ran into the side of mine and I heard an ambulance and I heard my dad and my Uncle Jamie yelling for me. My dad ran over to me and then everything went black. I woke up in the hospital after surgery and I looked around as I laid there.

"Daddy" I said weakly. I looked over at Danny and he ran over and hugged me and I put my head on his chest

"Its okay baby girl, I'm here" he said calmly to me

"It hurts" I whined and he hushed me

"I know, I know" he responded

I started to fall into a deep sleep, knowing what would happen, my breathing got slower and my heart rate got slower as well. I could feel my dad shaking and shaking me trying to get me to wake up but I was unresponsive.

**in dream**

I woke up in the dream, when I started to come to, I could hear tape being torn and I could feel my hands being bound tightly behind my back as I looked around for Darrin, I couldn't find him, I kept looking around but came eye to eye with my Aunt's enemy Vik

"Which one of you is related to commissioner Reagan" Kiara said

I stayed quiet, she came over to me and stabbed me in the shoulder with the knife

"I won't ask again but it seems I have to, which one of you is related to commissioner Reagan?" She asked again and looked at me again as if she knew

"I am" I answered her finally. She laughed and looked at me before putting the blade into my chest missing the heart by a few feet.

**back to reality**

I suddenly woke up with Josh next to me on the bed, he held me close and hushed me as he knew I was scared.

"Shh, your okay, I'm here" he said calmly to me

"I'm going to work" Danny said

"Please don't go daddy" I replied "I at least want to go with you"

My dad reluctantly nodded and he helped me to his car, when I got in I was glad to be with him. We drove to the precinct where my Aunt met us there because she was helping my dad with a case. All of a sudden, a bomb went off in the precinct.

I remember hearing sirens before everything went black, I was right next to my dad under the debris, I heard my aunts voice before I was out cold, I didn't move, I couldn't, my body was sore all over, when we made it to the hospital me and dad were rushed to surgery. I wasn't breathing right so I was put on oxygen, my dad on the other hand was still out cold. I woke up to Josh next to me and I moved my hand so he knew I was there and that I was going to be okay. I was worried about my dad though, seeing him all beat up. I closed my eyes tight to block out the light, but I couldn't, I just opened them and looked around.

"Josh" I said weakly, seeing I couldn't really move I just looked at him and waited for him to notice I was awake.

Josh was asleep and he shot awake and looked at me, he sighed with relief as he knew I was going to be okay, he smiled and lightly hugged me knowing I was still in pain. I was still in pain, I had a broken rib, a broken wrist, a broken leg and a broken knee. I looked around and started to cry not seeing my dad. Not too far away was my grandpa and my Uncle Jamie. I looked over and reached out to him.

"Uncle Jamie" I said and he looked at me. He sighed with relief.

"Hey Kid" he said as he came over to me "its okay, I'm here"

I started falling into a deep sleep, kinda like the one I did after I was rescued after taken by Kiara and Vik, I felt someone shake me and heard them yelling for me to stay with them. It was my aunt, she was already terrified of losing my dad and she couldn't lose me too, she called for a doctor and they came rushing in to check on me and get everything under control, my Aunt was still by my side, she refused when the doctor told her to leave so they could examine me for any other injuries they might've missed. She stepped out of the room for a couple minutes to call my grandpa and give him an update on how my condition was.

"Reagan" Frank said as he picked up the phone.

"Dad, its Erin" Erin said when he picked up the phone.

"Erin" Frank said "how is she?"

"She's not well" she replied "she went into a deep sleep, the doctors are doing everything they can but she should be okay"

"I'll be there soon Erin" he said

Erin hung up and looked back into my room. She didn't want to leave, yet, she couldn't leave me not yet.

"Ms. Reagan?" A doctor said

"Yes?" Erin replied

"She's stable. We don't know much else at this moment, we're going to run a few more tests" he said

((Okay guys, what do you think will happen to Amy? Gotta wait to find out, while your at it, if you have nicknames for Amy fell free to private message me or COMMENT DOWN BELOW if u have nicknames))

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