Chapter 26.7: Strike Three

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 Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2013

I’ve been trying to call Eleanor for the umpteenth time now but she still doesn’t pick up her phone. Every attempt always leads me to her voicemail and it really annoys me. I just really want to talk to her and apologize for what I did last two nights ago.

Her neglect kills everything that’s living in me. She’s one of the few closest friends I have around and I just don’t want to lose her for something I did that was really stupid. I’ve been pacing around the lounge area in our flat. I’m glad Harry left early so that he won’t witness me being like this.

Once again, I dial her number and her voice came through asking me to leave a message after the beep. I curse under my breath—she really is avoiding me.

“Uhm-uh El? Hi, this is Valerie,” I start to speak to the mouthpiece of my phone. “Listen, I really am sorry. It was really stupid for me to do that. I know you’re still pissed and you’ve been avoiding me for two days. I can’t stand it already. I’m really sorry. I will do anything just for you to forgive me. I’ll see you later.” I press the red button, ending my call before I head to the bedroom.

I quickly jog towards the walk-in closet and change into jeans and a black leather jacket over my white shirt, and slip my brown ankle boots on my feet. I don’t mind wearing any make-up and just tie my hair into a messy bun and grab my thick black shades from my drawer, wearing it on my eyes. I slide my phone in my back pocket and a few cash in one of my front pocket, deciding not to bring a bag with me.

I saunter out of the room and quickly run towards the door, getting the key from the hook attached to the wall in the process. I lock the door from the inside and close it behind me as I step out. It’s not even winter yet but cold air already welcomes me outside. I guess I could never get used to the unpredictable weather of England. I shrug my shoulder as I clasp the front of the leather jacket together, glad that I decided to wear it. I guess I’ve always been right with my weather instincts, but not with my stupid decisions in life.

I call a cab when I was a couple of blocks away from our flat and tell the cabbie to send me to the train station. The train ride to Wolverhampton is just an hour so I don’t need to worry about Harry. I’ll be back before he’s home.

Many minutes later, I place a cash on the cabbie’s hand before hopping out of the cab and run inside the train station to buy a ticket. I’m glad I don’t have to wait for my train because it’s already waiting for the passengers. I enter into one of the doors, walking through the aisle to search for a seat. I notice some passengers paying me a second look as they might recognize me. But I quickly pass them, looking down on the blue-carpeted floor. I release a tedious sigh as I find a seat next to an old lady with her I can only assume is her granddaughter.

“Hi.” I babble to the little blonde girl with pigtails, crouching down to her level on the seat. She bashfully smiles up at me and timidly waves her hand. I look up to her grand mom that is smiling back at me as well before returning my genuinely jolly gaze at the little child.

“What’s your name?” I ask her. She’s really cute. I have always had soft spot for little kids, no matter how annoying and out of control they can get.

“Michaela. I’m seven.” Her soft voice is full of enthusiasm as she raises her seven fingers at me. I can’t help but giggle at her.

“Hi, I’m Valerie.” I tell her while sticking my hand out to shake her small one, my other hand pushing my shades up to my head for her to see my eyes. She responds shyly and I move her little hand up and down with mine. It’s only when I get closer to her face I noticed that her eyes are a shade of forest green, like Harry’s. I smile imagining if Harry and I end up together, I would love our first born to look like Michaela. I mentally laugh because we’re not even yet close to that and I’m already thinking about it.

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