Self Care?

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Self Care

When it comes to boundaries, it is known for being an act of self care and in a way, self love too. Because setting boundaries for ourselves is making a routine and a plan with how far you let yourself go with something before you cross the line in which puts your health and wellbeing at risk or in danger.

To me, I've been doing that long enough in my recovery of 2 years and still succeeding by the real books when it comes to recovery with mental health.

It distorts your reality: expecting too much of reality:

I'd like to dedicate this happier moment to Kelly 💪🏻 who posted a previous happier moment in late August of 2016 with this exact picture of taking a 30 day break from social medias like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, etc (but not Happier, 😇).

I'd like to report my results as I decided to watch the remaining 2 seasons of The Secret Life of the American Teenager on Netflix before I started working on this.
Other than the few days when I watched the 7th season of Vampire Diaries (to catch up so I can be caught up for season 8, final season of series) and watching new episodes of Hawaii Five-O, Scorpion, and other shows only once a week, I really dedicated myself to taking a break and still currently have my Twitter notifications turned off since probably September or sometime in August.

I am just striving to be more me than I have ever been.

And I'm still as of today, following this, don't really have many shows that I like during the day hours when I'm not working or doing any of my work for my online course (which is ending with it's final test that's due January 4th). I really have noticed great outcomes of this.

Thank you Kelly! Where did you get this idea or goal? Was it part of one of your beliefs or values, or possibly something you found online or something a friend, family, or co-worker mentioned to you?

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. – Wayne Dyer

This is a truly great quote relating exactly to what I'm about to add here next on my progress in my recovery overall, not just this particular goal I've achieved.

It takes so much energy to lie... I wish people could grasp the sense of the freedom and liberation that comes with being honest and genuine. – Mama Zara

Make your own recovery the first y in your life!

Healing: is not an overnight process. It is a daily cleansing of pain, it is a daily healing of your life. – Leon Brown

Social media platforms like Instagram when you think it about the right logical points proving this statement;

Everybody wants happiness and nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

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