Chapter 5- King Cross and the Platform 9 ¾(part 1)

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Many chapters at once to make up to all of you because of my late late update. Enjoy.


Three weeks have passed since I got the news that I could go to Hogwarts. In that time, the hunters went away and came back, a idiotic hydra had attacked the cottage, I had to rebuild it, and I celebrated my 14th birthday.

At first, Mellie wasn't very happy that I was leaving them but then she accepted it and understood that it was the best for me. But I needed to promise her that she could visit me as much as she wanted.

-Zoe!!!!!!- I hear Hedge shout out. It looks like the Hunters got themselves into a problem with Hedge again. It has beet already a week since they came back here. But I need to say that it was my fault.

I IMed Artemis and told her about the hydra attack. Her reaction was to talk with Zeus and Poseidon and she got permission to take her hunters into my terrains to "protect" me. As if I couldn't protect myself.

I go out of my room and follow the shouting of Hedge. He was in the kitchen, and nothing could have prepared me for the view there. Everything was covert with leaves. It looks like a tornado went through the forest outside and left all the dead leaves in our kitchen.

-I am sure that Alexandra has played with the wind again .- I tell Hedge and he grumps. Alexandra is one of the Hunters that is a half-goddess. She is daughter of Aeolus, the minor god of the wind, and loves to prank us. She makes Mellie crazy with her wind playing.

-I will take care of that mess. Luckily they will be gone next sunrise. Hedge, we need to survive only one more day. Better said, only a few hours .- I look out of the window and see that the sun is already setting and I can't see him any more. In a few minutes it will be totally gone and the moon will come out.

I open the window and watch as some Hunters practice archery. But what I am looking for are the tents of the Hunters. I pinpoint Alexandra's tent and I make the leaves fly out of the window, directing them towards her tent. I am sure that it will be fun to see her face when she realizes where her tent has ended.

Hedge begins to grin like a madman and taps me on the shoulder.

-I think we should get Mellie back from the forest. She should see that we have done to Alexandra's tent and besides that, it's time for dinner .- I nod my head. Faster that a lightning bolt, I head  towards my room. I take my weapons/jewelry and prepare myself. I bride my hair, take the hair pin to secure it, and put on my bracelet and my pendant.

Normally I wouldn't wear so much weapons, but Artemis and Nyx (that sweet, kind traitor) made me swear over the river Styx that I would wear outside all the time my weapons. I get finished and go outside.

There, one of the Hunters is all of a sudden besides me. She is part of the Hunters that Artemis had command to be my "bodyguards", in turns of every day.

Luckily, I could talk her the idea out of her head to put me 24/7 on survey, and I only needed to have the bodyguards when I go out. I wonder how  she managed to get the consent of the chosen Hunters to watch over me.

Today I had Silvia as my guardian. She was one of the few mortals that were in the Hunters. Therefore, she got from Artemis an own wolf. She comes over to me and position herself to my right and her wolf station herself to my left. My curiosity is awoken and while we go slowly into the woods, I ask Silvia the question I have been thinking the whole time.

-Silvia, why did you accept to be my bodyguard? Isn't it boring?- She kicks a branch and looks expectant to her wolf. Then she sighs and drop her shoulders.

-Please don't think bad or selfish about me. I really like to be a Hunter, but I am a mere mortal. I can't fight like the half-bloods or the naiads, nymphs or all the others. Artemis always calls us back to work behind the lines. And if I want to fight, I don't have an opponent. I don't attract monsters .- She look sad into the woods.

She is right, in a way. Artemis accepts everyone in the Hunters as long as they are girls and the are faithful to their votes. But she cares especially about the mortals that want to join the hunt. The reason for that is that it is very rare to find a mortal that can look through the mist, and she doesn't want them to get hurt.

-I know why she does that. She is worried about you and the others because you are mortals and you are all special. But I can try to talk with her so that you can fight more .- I want to say her one more thing, but her wolf begins to yelp an to run deeper into the forest. We both begin to run behind him.

We get until a river, in which Mellie is bathing. Or at least was bathing before Silvia's wolf run into the water and began to lick her.

-I'm so sorry, Mellie. I don't understand what happened .- Silvia doesn't stop to apologize, until Artemis comes out of the trees. Silvia gets even paler and goes on one knee. However, Artemis smirks to me and touches Silvia's head, motioning that she could stand up.

-We should go back home. It is getting dark and the protections that were put in this region for Alexia is weaker at night .- she begins to walk and we follow her.

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(1037 words)

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