Chapter 15- A chat with soul(s)

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"We could go to the headmaster's office. There, no one would dare to disrupt us." I nod to the idea and prepare myself for their way of transport.

"I will go back to my own mind and make a little opening for us to move together. I trust you not to look inside. I would like to hold at least part of my mind as my own." I will myself into my body again and feel how my lungs are compressed and I hear the gasp of the entire Great Hall as I dissipate.

I feel the compression for a few seconds and then I fell the landing, and it is so hard that it catapults me directly from the stool and on the floor. I feel dizzy and the hat falls from my head. A kind hand helps me to sit up and an other one helps me to sit down on an armchair.

I look up to look at the faces of Helga, Rowena, Godric and Salazar. I try to understand how that could be, but I feel weak and my mind is a little behind.

-So, Alexia. It feels so good to have a form again.- Godric says, while he pinches Salazar. Salazar only grunts, but makes nothing. Rowena makes appear other four armchairs and four tea cups, filled with black tea.

The four sit down and take each a tea cup. I take one too and taste the tea. Normally I don't like tea, it makes us demigods more active and that's something we don't need. So we drink tea and coffee only on rare occasions. This tea is perfect.

-So, how does it come that you are all out? Shouldn't you have all gone on?- I nib a little more on the tea and wait for an answer, that Rowena gladly gives.

-We are only a little part of ourselves. The part that was left behind to Sort the students. Us appariting trigger something in you and you used a part of your magic to expel us from the Hat. But it won't last forever.- It makes sense what she says. the magic reaction could have produced what ever happened.

-Let us talk about you now. We should Sort you after all.- Salazar tells and all of us look surprised at him. -What! She is a badass for being able to do that, I want to know how.- I smile a little bit, but suddenly the door is opened with great force and a man with long white hear and beard comes in, followed by the woman of before and Kingsley.

-Miss, how did you get in here?- Asks the old bearded man. Then they notice the four other people and draw their wands. Before anything can happen, I get up with wobbling legs and leave my cup on the armchair.

-Please, withdraw your wands. They are nor thread to you if you are nor thread to them. Am I right?- I turn towards the four and all of them nod their head, putting away their wands. I turn back to the newcomers and see that they have done the same thing.

-Now how about you leave until we Sort this matter? (No pun intended) There will be discussed thing that I don't want anyone else to hear.- I see how the woman and Kingsley look at the old man and make the connection. I would say that it is the Headmaster.

-Of course you can stay, Headmaster, but I would prefer if Kingsley and the woman leave.- I see how they abide to my wishes. The old man goes to sit on the last free armchair, behind the desk.

-I would say that there are presentations in order.- I say to he four and they present themselves with title and every last name they have. Then the old man presents himself to me as Albus Dumbledore.

-How can it be that the founders of Hogwarts are seating here, in front of me?- Rowena begins to explain him things on the smart ass way, but Godric is getting bored and cuts in.

-The Expulsion of us after the apparition produced enough magic to let us leave. That is the entire story. Rowena, you don't need to make out of everything a speech. Fast and simple.- Dumbledore leans back and I drink the rest of the tea.

-So, to the topic at hand. You need to get into my head to be able to Sort me, right?- Everyone nods.- But I won't let you. There are things that I don't want anyone to relive. So I decided to tell you everything, letting you feel what I felt in the moment.- I look sadly at the empty tea cup, and with a whisk of her wand, Rowena produces a tea pot and pours me more tea.

Then I begin to tell my story, without leaving anything out. I drink all the tea while I live though every part of my past. The five are perfect listeners and don't disrupt me, even when Rowena wanted to say something and Salazar shushed her.

When I finish with all, my tears are streaming down my face and the one I least thought takes me into a hug. Salazar. The others follow. I finally feel safe, away from home.

-Poor girl.- Helga says and Rowena, Godric and Dumbledore nod. Salazar clears his throat.

-I know that many people think that I am ruthless and selfish, and maybe I am, but that is more that would wish to live through even my worst enemy. It is cruel and heartless.- Everyone nods and he gets a curious look from Dumbledore.

-And something I haven't told you is the mortality rate of us half-gods. Normally we don't get over the 18 years, even if someone sometimes manages it. That's why they aren't many Greek legacies.- I hear gasps and close my eyes.

I don't want to think about it again. I open my eyes and realize that our time together is nearly up. So I make a decision.

-Salazar, I really like you, but I think that being in your house would bring up old demons. I want you to understand that I can't risk it. There is darkness in me that could consume me, and I don't want to hurt anyone. Helga, You are kind and helpful, but I would feel like a freak in your house, like the one that would rather risk something than help someone else. It doesn't go well on my lifestyle, the one I was born into. Rowena, I love your house, you are charming, wise, logical and skilled, but I don't think I could get to your standards with my dyslexia, and I don't want to be a burden for such a magnificent house. Godric, I think that your house should also be mine. I could live there my fully potential and live my life. The only downfalls would be that I would be also very intelligent and that might be my downfall. I hope that it doesn't get to it.- I take every one into a group hug and wipe away my tears.

-I think our time is up. good bye and don't worry, Alexia, we will see each other again.- Is the last thing Salazar manages to tell me before the retreat to the hat, disappearing one after an other. The last one is Godric. Then they are all gone.

-What an interesting chat.- Dumbledore tells me. But I burst into tears. The one time a feel like in home in this world goes away for ever.

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