Chapter 8- King Cross and the Platform 9 ¾ (part 4)

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At New York it is now 9 am, but in London it is already 14 pm. I wonder if we are coming late or if the train isn't gone yet. Suddenly, I feel a burst of magic walking by a man that is leaning at the entrance wall. I stop and turn towards him.

-Excuse me, sir. Could it be that you are Mr. Shacklebolt? My parents and I were told that he would be waiting here for us, to bring me into my new boarding school .- He turns towards me and I see his wand poking out of a pocket.

-Miss, are you Alexia?- He asks without stopping to look at me. I grunt affirmatively, what wins me a slap on my back head from Hestia. Hestia then puts on a radiant smile and Poseidon accentuates his already strong aura more.

-Yes she is. I am Hestia, and that grumpy one is Poseidon. I hope you will take great care over out child. She is very special for all of us .- Hestia puts a hand on my shoulder and I feel the warmth of her holy fire.

-I assure you, ma'am, she will be safe with me .- I turn to Poseidon and Hestia and hug both. Then I go to the side of the auror and I see how both gods go away, on their own ways. Poseidon transforms into a sea breeze, that I breath in. Hestia begins to flicker and goes like fire consuming himself.

-How much do you know about me and about my powers?- I turn to Kingsley, but he is already moving in the station. I follow him, me moving elegant like a cat through the crowd, passing through places where Kingsley needs to wait. All of a sudden I feel a dark presence behind me and I stop. The auror looks around and sees me, stiff like a rabbit that has sensed a predator.

-What is it miss?- He comes back, but I touch my pendant and summon my long sword. I don't have even two seconds before the monster is on me and I move aside, slicing it from side to side. What is left is monster dust and a head. The dust covers my protector. Kingsley already wants to take the head, but dark tentacles wrap around it. I already know who it is.

-Grandma!!!- I run to my left and see Nyx standing with a dead servant. She runs to me and I jump on her, wrapping myself around her in a big hug.

-Hey my sweet girl, sorry that I was so late, but you can see what I was trying to catch. I am so happy that I was still able to see you. After all, you have told Hades that you have been passing to see me ...- I begin to laugh. She always find a way to cheer me up and to take away my nerves.

-I am happy too. May I present you my protector Kingsley?- I turn towards him and see that he has taken out his wand .- And this,Kingsley, is my grandmother Nyx, goddess of the night and the Tartarus .- I transform my long sword again into a pendant.

-Miss, we need to go. We are already late .- Kingsley takes my arm, but don't hides his wand.

-Only a second. Alexia, this is my present for this year. I hope you enjoy it .- Nyx fives me a little package, and then shadow-travel away. I follow Kingsley until the platforms 9 and 10. I already feel the magic coming from the middle, like a magic barrier similar to the one at camp.

-To get to the train, you must - I snap at him. It makes me nervous that I am in such an open and crowded space.

-I already feel it. How about going now?- I walk confident to the barrier and look back before I go through. It is one moment dark and then I get on a platform in which there is a train. I feel like Kingsley goes through the barrier.

-Miss, the train is about to start. We need to be fast .- He takes my arm and together we run to the first wagon. We manage to jump in it before it leaves the platform.

-That was quite a rush .- I tell Kingsley. Then I look around and feel (thanks to Hecate) that this compartment has got a magic shield.

-Is this our special compartment?- I ask my protector. He nods his head and sits down, while playing with a feather. He looks as he is deciding if he should write something down or better not. Then he puts it aside.

-What is bothering you?- Kingsley looks surprised up and gets his wand out.

-You are one of my mission. But I don't know anything about the dangers of this mission, or that you can .- I can feel that he isn't telling me the whole truth, but I need to trust him.

-OK, would it help if I answer you some questions? I don't want to make your job even harder .- I sit down and let my bag between my legs. Then I produce a slight breeze to sooth the tension in the air. Kingsley sits down in front of me.

-I would like to know why you are so special that you need protection and that the minister himself orders me to keep an eye on you in Hogwarts .- I groan and try to find a way to explain it in an easy way.

-You begin to ask and the first question you ask is the most unbelievable of all. I am a special girl because of my legacy .- I giggle because of the pun. Sadly Kingsley won't understand it just yet .- The are more worlds out there that your own. In ancient times, every folk had its gods to worship. Many persons think that they were dumb, but they only saw more truth that the mortals do now a days .- I lean backwards and wait for the reaction of the auror to the last part I said.

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