Chapter 9- King Cross and the Platform 9 ¾ (part 5)

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-Mortals? Do you mean the muggles?- He looks confused and I shake my head.

-I don't know who the muggles are, but I am sure that they aren't really the same. The mortals are all this people that aren't neither half-gods nor legacies of half-gods .- I feel my stomach twist and I take an apple out of my bag.

-What do you mean with half-gods and mortals?- He looks genuinely confused about this new words for him.

-The half-gods are children of gods and mortals or other half-gods. They are also sometimes called half-bloods. The mortals are all the ones that are neither children of half-gods nor half-gods. And the legacies are the children of two half-gods. Normally they inherit one or two powers from their parents. Me, for example, I am a very powerful legacy .- I stop to let Kingsley time to assimilate the news. While I wait, I eat the apple and I play with the box Nyx gave me before she left.

-So, the mortals are really something like the muggles. At least in our eyes .- I decide to open the box and when I take the tap, it doesn't budge. I try again but a symbol of Hecate appears. It is the symbol of protection, but it is interlaced with the symbol of fire.

-Kingsley,-I call him - please don't freak out now. To open the box I need to summon one of my powers, okay?- He look interested to me and leans forward. I put my left hand on the box and summon the flames of Hephaestus. The box begins to burn and I hear a silent "holy sh*t" from Kingsley.

It burns down until the only thing that is left is the present inside. I feel cold and I suffocate the flames, leaving an ice-cold whistle.

-Oh, my gosh! How the heck did she got her hands on this?- Kingsley looks at me, asking why that was so special.

-This, my dear Shacklebolt, is one of the most special materials that you can find in the Underworld. This is Stygian Ice. It won't probably mean for you anything, but if you read a bit of Iliad, you should make you an idea. Also, there is this amazing author, son of Athena, that is writing a entire series about the half-gods and the incidents that occurred the last decade .- I try to look excited to overplay my pain and sorrow.

I look out of the window and see that we are moving in a very fast pace. My Athena-mind analysis the speed of the train taking the wind directly at the train, the wind wider away and many other things. My calculations tell me that we are moving at 300 km/h. I go away of the window and sit down against the window, putting my legs up and closing my eyes to rest.

I let my thoughts roam freely and I do the only thing I should't have done. I slowly fall asleep. 

☼ ☼ ☼

I am 5 again. And I am in my personal nightmare.

I look around and I see destruction and death. Monsters are everywhere and the mortals are sleeping.

-Alexia! Get inside, NOW!- My mother takes me up and brings me in the Empire State Building, where the wounded and the death were.

But I can't stay inside and I need to go to search for my father. I get out again and I nearly get impaled by a spear. I run and find myself in first line.

My father jumps in front of me and looks at me with sad eyes when he gets killed by a hellhound. I try to help him, but I feel that he is dead.

-Alexia, get out of here!-I look around and see Anabeth. But then I feel a knife pierce my leg and I cover the wound as fast as I can. THEY don't want that the monsters to see my blood and see me as a much bigger threat.

My mother comes to me and Anabeth covers her while she tries to take me inside. But a monster surpasses the defenses of Anabeth and tries to get to me.

-NO!- Anabeth takes me out of the way of the monster, but my mother isn't so lucky and the monster kills her too.

All stops and fades, while a voice says "It was your fault, girl. You killed them."

☼ ☼ ☼

-Miss, wake up. It is only a bad dream. You are safe here .- The voice of Kingsley brings me back to the reality and I shoot up.

-I am sorry that I have worried you .-I take a deep breath .- It wasn't a dream. We half-gods don't have normal dreams. We have always memories, things that are happening somewhere else, or some gods that want to walk through our dreams and give us a message or a warning .- I shake my head and try to get the smell of blood out of my nose.

-Are you alright, miss? What happened while you slept?- Kingsley sits down in front of me and I decide that I can trust him and prepare myself to open up. I create a slight mist at the window to produce a rainbow. Then I take a drachma out of my bag.

I think "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Show us the moment my parents died." Then I throw the drachma and the scene I saw a few moments ago unfold itself in front of us.

I don't even need to look to know what is happening. I can't even believe myself that I am opening me so much to this stranger. "Be careful, you don't know him and you don't know if he is trustful." I hear a voice say whispering besides me.

I know this voice very well. It is one of the few gods that I could find everywhere because his element is so near me. It is my beloved great grandfather Zeus. I calm down thinking that they are only a thought away and that nothing bad can happen to me during this trip.

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(1074 words)

Ps: I have looked over the readers and... THERE ARE MORE THAN 150!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

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