Chapter 17-Oh crap, I am the new one.

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So guys and girls, I still live!!!! Sorry for not updating, I am in so much work that I can't even make my own homework. And I had a writer bock. But now is everything alright and I will try to update in the two weeks span I put myself as update limit. But for now, Enjoy this update!

-Alexia, wake up .- I hear a voice say in my ear. I open my eyes and see the red head girl, I think her name was Hermione, form before in the train. I get up and see that she is wearing long, black robes.

-What time is it?- I ask yawning. I look around and see that the other two beds are occupied with sleeping girls. I get up and do a little stretching to make my blood flow better into my head.

-It's a quarter to eight. The breakfast began a quarter of hour ago. I saw that you didn't eat nothing at dinner, you weren't even there .- I thank her and she brings me through moving staircases and tramp stairs to the Great Hall.

-I have read the book Hogwarts: a history, and there are a hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts: wide, sweeping ones; narrow, rickety ones; some that led somewhere different on a Friday; some with a vanishing step halfway up that you have to remember to jump. Then there are doors that won't open unless you asked politely, or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that aren't really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending. 

It is also hard to remember where anything is, because it all seems to move around a lot. Have you noticed that the people in the portraits keep going to visit each other? And I am very sure that the coats of armor can walk .- I nod my head at the statement and I am very happy when we finally get to the Great Hall.

Hermione is like a second Aunt Anabeth. It is interesting what they talk about, but if they are talking all the time, it gets very boring very fast.

There we go to our left, past the Ravenclaw table. Nearly no one is here. They are still probably sleeping. We sit on the nearest end to the High Table.

-I thought that you would want to eat with the less people staring as possible .- I nod my head in thanks and grab the first thing that I can get. A doughnut. I bite in it and feel like heaven. The I remember what I should have done.

Dissimulating a much as possible, I light a little fire on the floor with my foot and let two doughnuts fall in. It should be now dinner time in America. I will need to get used to make the offerings in the morning during breakfast.

-Για τους θεούς .- I whisper and wait that the doughnuts are burnt before I put the fire out. I look up to eat something more when I see the surprised and suspicious face of Hermione.

-Please, let me explain later .- She nods her head and keeps eating, but sending me now and then calculating glares. I keep eating until the Weasel and Harry appear. They see us and sit in front of us.

Both of them fill up their plates and begin to eat. I look up the the High table and see that McGonagall, Dumbledore, and some other teachers are eating. McGonagall gets up and moves to us.

She hands us our timetables over. I look at it and remember that I haven't got any books and no wand. What the hell, I will need to survive the first few days without it. But one problem I am seeing is that I am sticking out like a sore thumb without the robes.

-Mrs McGonagall, is there any way for me to get some robes borrowed before I can go to buy them? I wouldn't like to be noticed that much .- She shakes her head. And leaves.

-So, your name was Alexia?- I turn around and need to make a double take. Yes there are two same people. And yes, they exist both. Then I remember what Percy told me about his twin trouble maker brothers. Fred and George?

-Hey Fred, George? Yes my name was and still is Alexia. Which of you is Fred and which is George?- They look surprised at me. I only say Percy and both understand where where I know their names.

-I am Fred...-says the left one.

-...and I am George.-Tells me the right one. They look completely alike, but I have got the feeling that Fred is the more extroverted one of the twins. George is rather the shy one. What I have heard about them, they are the pranksters of the school.

What about a little morning prank? And who would it be best on that the prank masters themselves? I watch them silently while they sit down besides and in front of me. I can see this slight glint in their eyes that I am sure that I have too. Lets bring it on.

I watch how Fred brings his goblet to his lips to drink and I concentrate on the liquid inside. It spills over and wet his face. Every one on the table begins to laugh. It has been filling itself until half of the table is full.

The one laughing the most is Ron. Of course Fred things it was him that enchanted the goblet to spill over. But I don't want civilians in this war, so I take Georges goblet and pour the content all over him, shutting him effectively up.

-Prank wars?- both of them ask at the same time. I know I will regret this decision, but I need to spice the live here a little bit up. I nod my head and suddenly the prank they were preparing before comes into action. A huge water bubble becomes visible and falls on me.

Only the half-god reaction ability saves me from getting wet. I put my hand up and let the water fall around me. I forms an egg and leaves me to think about my revenge. I smile slightly and let the water fall around me, without doing nothing against them.

-You are so on. But the next time, you should use something that hasn't got to do with water.- I get up and move swiftly away, leaving the twins with their mouths wide open.

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(1122 words)

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