welcome to gay hell (old)

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Hello and welcome to- oh fuck that.

This is the third one of my art books.
Idk why I'm still doing this tbh
I just like spamming people with my shitty art :>

Here are a few things I haven't mentioned in my previous art books but I will now:

I swear a lot. Don't like it, gtfo.
I have a lot of gay ocs and I draw a lot of gay shit. Don't like it, gtfo.
My ocs take up about 80% of my art books.
I also, on occasion, draw fanart pieces.

And here's other things you should know:

Art trades: Only with friends atm.
Requests: Eh....depends on the request, my dear.
Rp?: Nope. If you're not StarsAndGemstones, it's a definite no.

Now that's the end of that shitshow.
Onto what I promised.

A drawing!

But first...
Have you guys ever shipped something as a joke but then actually started liking the ship but were too afraid to admit it?
Have you done that before?
I've done that before.

Have you guys ever shipped something as a joke but then actually started liking the ship but were too afraid to admit it?Have you done that before?I've done that before

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Lord save me.

But anyway..
Thanks for reading and I hope you at least like my art a little bit.


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