Guardian Sexualities(MY SIDE)

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This is just to make things easier for myself so that I have something to reference back to. But maybe you guys will find it interesting anyways.

Jiahao - Heterosexual
Hamia - Heterosexual
Alsandare - Heteroromantic, demisexual
Rosa - Heterosexual
Moondancer - Biromantic, heterosexual
Aisha - Bisexual
Abbadon - Bisexual
Anani - Homosexual
Bedisa - Heterosexual
Eris - Heteroromantic, bisexual
Harriet - Homosexual
Daria - Heterosexual
Komorebi - Heterosexual
Joachim - Bisexual
Tuffy - Homosexual
Micah - Pansexual
Aurnia - Demisexual

Aaaaaaaand that's all for now my dears


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