First Official Art Contest [OPEN]

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Okay, enough people wanted it, so here you go!

There will be the choice of two themes.

Theme #1:
You must create an art piece based on a song of your choice.
And no, you can't just slap lyrics on any piece of art and say you're done. You must explain what the song means to you, and describe how you've petrayed that in the artwork. You can, of course, include the lyrics in your piece, as long as you include meaning.

Theme #2:
You must turn a season of your choice into a character.
You can choose between Spring, Summer, Fall/Autumn, or Winter. Be sure to include things that relate to that season in the design.

Now for the part no one wants, the rules!

- No tracing or copying.
- No claiming other people's art as your own.
- You must stick to the theme you pick.
- You need to include a watermark/signature on your work.
- The piece may be digital or traditional.

Here's what everyone came for.
The prizes.

First Place:
- 40 votes on any book of your choice.
- A fully colored and shaded request with up to three characters in the drawing.

Second Place:
- 20 votes on any book of your choice.
- A lined and fully monochrome shaded request OR flat color request with up to two characters in the drawing.

Third Place:

- 10 votes on any book of your choice.
- A lined request with one character in the drawing OR a sketch request with up to two characters in the drawing.

You will be graded on:
- Originality
- Neatness
- Meaning

All submissions are due by August 18th.
The results will be posted on August 20th.


If you are going to participate, you must comment below that you will join, as well as the theme you are going to stick with.

That's all! Have fun and be creative with your submissions! :D


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