Guardian facts (old)

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I'm currently in the process of coloring this bean..

But in the mean time, I figured I could write out some random facts about the Guardians

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But in the mean time, I figured I could write out some random facts about the Guardians.
So leggo.

1: Aisha is currently the only one to be born a Guardian, but once Abb and Drew's son is born, he will be the second.

2: Harriet has a huge crush on one of the female Guardians.

3: Tuffy has a secret admiration for Eita, because he sees him as being really tough and mentally strong.

4: Anani calls Bedisa everyday to check up on her, mostly because he still has trouble trusting Dragos.

5: Abbadon still calls Drew his princess even though its been 7 months since they got married.

6: Abbadon loves to make Drew flustered because he finds it really adorable. She does not.

7: Tuffy is extremely self-conscious about his body and overall looks. He feels like he is very ugly compared to Echo, even though he is always told that he's beautiful.

8: Micah likes to feel like he can protect the ones he loves, especially Eita and Tuffy. He would probably die if anything happened to them.

9: Micah and Eita rely on each other's magic. Without one of them, the other would die.

10: Whenever Tuffy feels a strong emotion, parts of his body will glow a certain color depending on that emotion. Also, depending on the strength of that emotion, his whole body can start glowing. Some examples are:
Pink - flustered/embarrassment
Orange - fear
Yellow - Happiness
Red - Anger
Green - Pride
Blue - Depression/self-pity

11: Anani and Anton love to tease each other.

12: Alsandare tries really hard to make Tovi see him as manly and tough, even though she just wants him to be himself.


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