What if the Guardians died? (My Side)

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A little morbid, but yeah.

The universe would cease to exist. With no Keeper of the Universe, nothing could exist in their universe. The memories of their universe would also be completely erased.

With no Guardian of Childbirth, no living thing would be able to reproduce. This would result in the extinction of every species on the planet.

Earth would instantly become war torn and chaotic. Each country and city's government would collapse eventually, with no rules to be enforced and crime ruling the world in the end. Humanity would inevitably destroy itself.

The ocean's tides would be completely off balance, flooding the entire planet. Everyone and everything would drown.

People and Guardians would simply become apathetic. No one in the world would be able to feel love, hate overcoming everything.

Nightmare magic, unable to be contained in the Dream Realm, would enter their reality. Wicked spirits would destroy everything in its path.

No human, Guardian, or plant life. The ecosystem would be thrown out of control. With no trees, there would also be no oxygen. That means no atmosphere, which also means nothing to protect Earth from the sun's harmful rays.

Overpopulation would gain a massive increase. There wouldn't be enough food or space to go around anymore, and the Earth would be overcrowded with beings that were unable to die.

With no fate, balance would be completely gone. No one would have a reason to exist anymore.

Shared outcome with Anani.

The world would become so poor that every human on Earth would eventually die off. No one would be able to afford anything.

The crime rate everywhere would rise up, overthrowing the government with the strongest and most clever people taking over.

With no agriculture, no one would be able to grow any food, making the whole world starve to death.

Guardians and mortals would loose the ability to see color, essentially giving them black and white vision.

No energy means no life energy, no elemental energy, and no magical energy. This would result in the world slowly vanishing from existence, as there would be nothing to fuel it. Guardians would also disappear with no life energy to keep them alive.


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