How (my)Guardians Feel About Their Partners

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I'm working on a picture of Jiahao because she's just a bab and I love my daughter
But since the Guardians are shy dorks...mostly...who don't openly admit how they feel about their lovers
I thought I would write out what they want to say.

Starting with Jiahao and ending with Micah, as always.
(Well not really but Hamia is single so ehhhh leave me alone mom)

Jiahao: My boyfriend is a huge dork and it's so cute but- OH NEVERMIND, HE'S HOT AND SPICY *faints/gets nose bleed/dies from blood rushing to her face all at once*

Alsandare: Tovi you're so beautiful and sweet but DAMMIT LET ME BE A MAN

Rosa: Don't touch, back off, Adir is mine. I barely get enough time with him as it is. (;^;)

Moondancer: Look at my girlfriend, she's hella hot. But don't touch her if you don't want a broken nose. Looking at you, Alsan.

Abbadon: This is my wife, she is mine, and she is beautiful. Have I mentioned how beautiful she is? Because she is. She's also mine. No touch.

Anani: We are literal goals, don't fucking touch my man

Bedisa: I just want to make him happy and I'm scared that I'm not.....but please don't leave me all alone...

Harriet: I love you because you're such a badass and I want someone who can protect me. But I will never tell you that.

Komorebi: Okay yeah he's a workaholic but I love him don't judge me

Tuffy: *incoherent babbling about how beautiful Echo is and how he'll never be good enough*

Micah: Let me spoil you rotten you adorable bean you



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