texts from a stranger

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description: a stranger texts phil
word count: 1159

phil's pov

unknown number: hi
phil lester: sorry, who is this?
unknown number: you don't know? how many people have enough given your number to?

my fingers hover over the keyboard as i contemplate what to type next. i wasn't exactly sure what to say. the truth is i almost never give out my phone number, which is why i'm so confused as to how they got mine. maybe it's a prank? or maybe i gave them my number and forgot?

i decide the best course of action is to just ignore the question. once i figure out if they're being serious, i'll actually take the time to try and remember when we met.

phil lester: what's your name?

okay so maybe that wasn't the most clever way to ask for information, but it's probably my only option. i'm not a manipulative person, so it would take forever to lure an answer out of them. plus, being blunt seems the most honest, and i generally like being straightforward with people.

unknown number: what's yours?

i can't tell if that was a serious question or not, so i decide to just be truthful. if i keep avoiding their questions we'll just end up going in circles.

phil lester: my name is phil. nice to meet you :P
unknown number: hi phil, my name is dan

dan? the name didn't ring a bell. i thought back to the past few weeks, searching for a dan. i hadn't gone to any parties so i knew we didn't have a drunken phone number exchange. and i don't recall my friends trying to set me up with anyone.

unless they did it behind my back?

phil lester: did my friends give you my number?
unknown number: no

so far i've learned that this guy isn't very helpful. if i'm being honest though, i don't really care. this conversation is just another unnecessary problem that i don't need to worry about.

phil lester: if you don't start telling me who you are, then i'm just going to block you
unknown number: no wait!
unknown number: let me explain

i smiled victoriously, we're finally getting somewhere.

phil lester: ok go ahead
unknown number: so you know when you're walking down the street or something and you find someone's phone number on a sheet of paper or a napkin or something?
phil lester: i guess?
unknown number: and it's like this moment of fate bc you know you were destined to find this number. and it's really romantic and exciting and you can't wait to meet them bc they're probably your true love?

i bit my lip in confusion. are they trying to imply that we're destined soulmates? because that's a load of bullshit. i've been through enough heartbreak to know that "fate" and "soulmates" aren't real. they're just figments of society's wild imagination. love blinds people and tricks them into thinking we can all be happy.

but they're wrong. we all just choose to see what we want, instead of facing the harsh reality we have to live with.

phil lester: no i don't believe in that sort of thing
unknown number: good bc that's not what happened

i sigh in frustration. this guy is impossible. he could literally say anything and i would have no choice to believe it. i have no proof that he's lying to me.

but i guess i don't really have any proof that he's telling the truth either.

phil lester: ffs can you just tell me where you got my number
unknown number: k fine. calm down tho
unknown number: so i was at a starbucks
phil lester: can you hurry this up pls? i have class in 15
unknown number: it'd go faster if you'd shut up and let me finish
phil lester: fine continue
unknown number: anYWAY as i was saying,,

i rolled my eyes at the dramatics of the person. i have to admit, the situation is quite humorous, but i really don't have any time to waste. as soon as i finish my coffee, i have to go to class. and i'd like to finish this conversation prior to that. otherwise i won't focus on the lesson. my curiosity will be focused on dan, not the english project i have due at the end of the week.

while he finishes typing, i realise i can change his contact. as soon as i do so, a few more messages are delivered to my phone.

dan: so i was at starbucks with a group of my friend's friends, and it was really awkward because I'm not very social person and i'm really shy. so I went to hide in the bathroom
dan: when i locked myself in a stall, and looked around, i saw your number was graffitied on the toilet stall door I decided to text you because I was lonely
dan: now i've left the starbucks and i'm walking to school, while still texting you.

i couldn't help but laugh. he found my number on a toilet door? there are so many questions flying brought my head. who put it there? and does that mean this guy lives nearby? have we met before?

phil lester: well thx for clearing that up. i have to go to class now. maybe we could talk some other time?
dan: yeah. and thx for giving me an excuse to avoid the social interaction
phil lester: no problem lol

i continue smiling at my phone as i trek towards the building. but since i'm not paying attention i accidentally run straight into someone. it's pretty typical for me, being as clumsy as i am.

the brown eyed boy looks up at me in surprise. he looks pretty young. "shouldn't you be in school?" i ask nosily before realising. "oops sorry, i didn't mean to be rude."

he gives me an apologetic grin. "couldn't i say the same to you? but yeah, i was just headed there now. and sorry about bumping into you," he says fixing his messy fringe. " i guess i should pay attention to where i'm going instead of texting," he laughs.

i giggle at the sound of his hyena like laugh. "yeah probably," i say shaking my head amusedly.

"well i guess i should be heading to class then?" i nod towards the building a few metres away. he gives me a funny look.

"uh yeah. have a good day then."

i smile back at him warmly. " you too," i pause realising i didn't catch his name. "uh what was your name again?"

"that's not important," he laughed. "anyway, gotta go. don't be late for class."

i watched him walk away, a grin dancing across his lips and his hands shoved in his pockets. he seemed nice, maybe we'll meet again sometime.

a/n yeah i know it's really bad i'm sorry. i just felt compelled to update, you know?

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