Chapter 2

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Sera's pov

I took a deep breath, and turned invisible, I quickly yet quietly ran through the halls of the enemy base. I heard clicking from someone, I peered in to see Poggle the Lesser, I flicked a switch on my suit so that I can understand his language, and another switch that allows General Skywalker to listen to the conversation. "The Republic won't know what hit them," Poggle said. "Send in the tanks," I frowned. 'Tanks?' I asked myself, I heard more clicking, and I had to hug the walls a bit more so I can let more Geonosians in. "The Republic are advancing." A Geonosian reported. "Good," said Poggle, his wings fluttered a bit, and he turned to face me, but he couldn't see me due to me being invisible. "I have a feeling someone is watching us," said Poggle, he looked around, and his gaze landed on me, and I stilled. "Never mind," I relaxed at that. "Send in the tanks, and obliterate the Republic scums." I silently slipped out, I suddenly felt something hitting me causing my invisibility to malfunction. "Intruder!" I gasped, and burst into a run. "Mayday! Mayday! My position has been compromised!" I said through a comm. "I repeat! My position has been compromised!"

Something hit me again causing my leg to burn, but I ignored it, and continued to run. "I can't get out! My invisibility malfunctioned!" I said. "Hang on! Evac is coming!" Said an unknown voice through the comm, another wave of pain. "Hurry!" I cried out, chains were shot at me pinning me down. A group of Geonosians circled around me, and took me away.

Rex's pov

"I knew she was trouble," I said to General. "No time to argue, Rex," said General. "We need to save her," said General. "I understand it's difficult having a girl in the legion now, Rex, but I know for sure that she's a good soldier," said General. "She follows orders, she's intelligent, and she's the best sniper we've got," I took a deep breath when we got closer to enemy lines. "Once we get down there, knock down as many droids you can while tracing for Ghost, understood?" 501st nodded, and the action began.

Fives, Echo, and I were sent out to look for Ghost while the General, and others were distracting them. We heard screaming coming from a dungeon as we got closer, we found the right cell to find Geonosians, and droids shocking Ghost. "Tell us what the Republic is planning on doing," said a droid. "You're gonna have to kill me." I heard a weak voice of Ghost. "Higher voltage." Said a droid, and there were screams of Ghost. "Go." And the droids, and Geonosians were down.

Echo got her down, and Fives caught her. "We got you, kid," said Fives. "We got you." Ghost rested her head against Fives' shoulder. "Good," she said softly. "Finish..... the....... mission." Fives shook her. "Ghost!"

*time skip*

Kix took a look at her when we returned to camp, she's going to live, but all the shocks she received will take time for her to recover from. Generals Mundi, Kenobi, and Skywalker were discussing about General Unduli's disappearance, the last time she contacted was two rotations ago. I heard footsteps, I looked up to see Kix helping Sera in. "Sera, aren't you supposed to be resting?" I asked. "Sorry, Captain," said Sera. "I had to give my report do I not?" General Skywalker looked up. "Yes she does," he agreed. "All the information you sent us was rather useful," said General. "Get some rest, and I'll call you when I need you." Sera nodded. "Understood," said Sera. "Kix." Kix wrapped his arm around her waist. "I got you." Said Kix, and he helped her back to the infirmary.

Sera's pov

Kix wrapped a fresh new bandage around my leg gently yet firmly. "Okay," said Kix. "Don't put too much pressure on your leg, keep weight off as much as possible, use crutches to get around, comm me if you need something. Got it?" I nodded, Kix kissed my forehead making me shock as he left. I grabbed a pair of crutches, and hobbled out of the infirmary. I passed by Commander Cody. "I would salute to you, sir, but I'm afraid I have my hands fill," I said, Cody chuckled. "There's no need," he said. "You're my baby sister remember?" I nodded. "Captain Rex doesn't seem to like having me around," I said. "Ah, he'll get around," said Cody, he ruffled my hair. "Be careful, kid, and watch out that leg," I nodded. "Yes, sir." Cody chuckled, and ruffled my hair again. "You're a good kid, kid." And he left.

I hobbled to the command center, I found General Mundi there without Generals Kenobi, and Skywalker. "Where are Generals Kenobi, and Skywalker, General Mundi?" I asked. "Both are prepping the men to search for General Unduli," said General. "How is your leg, child?" He asked. "It's fine, sir," I said, I hobbled over to the holopanel. "Do you think we will capture Poggle this time?" I asked. "I believe so," said General. "If Unduli truly did find Poggle, then we will have a chance to," I nodded in agreement. "Get some rest, Ghost, we may need you some other day." I stood on one leg, and saluted. "Yes, sir, General." I said, and hobbled off.

*time skip*

I stood in front of the cell with Cody, and Waxer on either side of me while I stared at Poggle, I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Tell me again, how did those worms work?" Waxer tightened his grip on his blaster. "Well," said Waxer. "The worms make their way into the victims nose, and that is how they start to mind control the victim." I shuddered at the thought. "Don't worry, kid," said Cody. "There are no worms in here." I nodded, and left to get my daily check up with Kix.

Kix unwrapped my bandage, and smiled. "You're good to go," said Kix. "If your leg starts to burn again, rub this onto it, and you'll be fine," I accepted a small canister, and opened it only to scrunch my nose up at the smell. "I know, it smells bad," said Kix, he ruffled my hair. "But it's definitely going to help with your leg." I nodded. "Thanks, Kix." I said, I waved bye.

I found the rest of the 501st at the mess hall, I limped over to the table, and sat. "Hey kid," said Fives, he ruffled my hair too. "What is with everybody ruffling my hair?!" I asked, they all laughed. "What? We just like doing it," Fives protested. "Well I hate it," I pouted, they all shared a look, and now I'm bombarded with multiple hair ruffles. "No! Stop!" They all chuckled while I pouted. "What's going on here?" We all looked up to see Captain. "Nothing, sir, just messing around with Ghost." Jesse answered, he ruffled my hair again making me groan, and shove his hand away making other clones chuckle. "Enough with the hair ruffles," I grumbled, they all chuckled again. "Why?" Asked Fives. "You're our baby sister remember?" I crossed my arms. "Yes, I remember," I said. "But enough with the hair ruffles," they all chuckled again. "You heard her," said Captain. "Enough," everyone shared a look. "Is Captain starting to warm up?" Fives teased. "Enough, Fives," said Captain. "All of you, stop messing with her, and that, is an order." We watched him walk away after that. "Jeez, is he always like that?" Fives shrugged. "He's never been like this."

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