Chapter 11

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Sera's pov

                                                                                                                                                                       R2 landed safely and I let go of him. I rushed over to 3PO and helped him up. "Are you alright, 3PO?" I asked. "Oh, yes, yes I am," said 3PO. "But where are we?" I asked. "I do not know," said 3PO. "There must be some way out of here," I looked around and saw an opening. "There's an opening," 3PO spotted it as well. "Ah, yes, there is," he agreed. "Shall we follow it?" I shrugged my sniper rifle onto my back securing it. "Do we have any other choice?" I asked, I got up and started to follow it

                                                                                                                                                                      Everything was a blur and all of a sudden we're trying to figure out a riddle. "You can run, but cannot walk, you have a mouth but cannot talk, you have a head but never weep, you have a bed but never sleep," I muttered to myself. "Ugh! That's ridiculous!" 3PO looked around. "Actually, miss, it is not ridiculous," said 3PO. "It is a riddle," I huffed. "I know it's a riddle, 3PO," I said. "What's ridiculous is that this place is driving me crazy!" 3PO started thinking. "Perhaps I shall find the answer." I huffed. "You do that." I muttered, I looked around trying to find a way out. 

                                                                                                                                                                     Instead of 3PO finding the answer, it was R2 that did. One of the villagers fell down when he breathed in the smoke. "It's poisoness to the villagers," I said. "We need to seal it," R2 attached a cable and started to pull only for him to be not strong enough. "Hold on, buddy, I'm coming." I said, I started to push from behind, and 3PO helped. 

                                                                                                                                                                       The villagers cheered in happiness and surrounded us while cheering. My comm went off. "Ghost, where are you?" I rolled my eyes. "Relax, Commander, I'm fine," I answered. "Fine? You ignored me for hours, soldier!" Hours, I glanced at the seal. "Well, I have an excuse," I answered. "Shall the protocol droid, astromech, and I explain?" Silence. "Just get back to the gun ship." I chuckled. "Yes, sir." 

                                                                                                                                                                         I motioned for 3PO and R2 to follow me. The villagers grabbed my leg and started whining and saying something in their language. "They do not wish for you to leave," said 3PO. "I figured," I said. "I wish I can stay, but I cannot, I have a war to win alongside with my brothers," 3PO translated. "But I will come back, someday." There were cheering making me smile. 

                                                                                                                                                                           We boarded the gun ship, 3PO and R2 were arguing about who's going to tell the story making Wolffe groan. "We're dropping them off the minute we have the chance," I shrugged. "I actually kinda like them," I commented. "Couldn't agree more." Sinker commented. "You guys are ridiculous." 

                                                                            *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                                             I leaned my head against Cody's shoulder. "Tired?" I nodded, Cody kissed my forehead. "Wanna get some sleep?" I shook my head. "No, I wanna stay with you, Commander," I murmured. "First time you're calling me 'Commander' that's new," Cody chuckled. "Blame Wolffe." Cody laughed. "Will do, baby sister." 

I'm sorry this is shorter than any other chapter, I feel like I rushed this a bit but I'm busy today(at least I think I am) so I may or may not be able to update anything else today. 

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