Chapter 12

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Sera's pov

                                                                                                                                                       "Open the door!" I demanded while banging on the door, the 501st, General Skywalker and I arrived at the medical station and they locked the door on me. "Let me in!" I demanded, the door slid open. "Jeez, Sera," said Kix. "You can't just keep me in the dark!" I protested. "What's wrong with Tup?" I demanded. "We, uh, don't know," Kix admitted. "What?!" I shrieked, Kix grabbed me and pulled me in and I realized that Tup was mumbling. 'Good soldiers follow orders' over and over again. "Send him to Kamino," General ordered. "They'll see what's wrong there," I glanced at Tup again. "Yes, sir." Rex saluted, he ruffled my hair before kissing the top of my head. "He'll be fine, Sera, he'll be fine." And he's gone. 

                                                                                *time skip*

                                                                                                                                                         I stared at the news in shock alongside with Rex and General Skywalker. "He wouldn't," I said. "Yet he did," said General. "Fives would never!" I argued, Rex grabbed me calming me down. "Sera, we're going to find him," said General. "We'll find him and listen to why he did it," I bit my lip and nodded. General's comm went off.  "General Skywalker," said General. "General?" Kix. "Kix, what's wrong?" Asked General. "I saw him, sir," said Kix. "I saw Fives," that grabbed my attention. "Did he say anything?" I asked. "He said for the General and Captain to meet him at these coordinates," said Kix, there was a beep and the coordinates came through. "We'll meet him there." General said, and he ended the conversation. "Rex?" Rex nodded. "What about me?" I asked. "You're staying here," said General. "I can't just stay here!" I protested. "That's an order, Sera." I shut my mouth at that, General left first. "I know it's hard," said Rex. "We'll bring him back." I nodded. "Okay." I said, a quick kiss to the forehead and he's gone. He knows I'm going to disobey that order anyways, he knows me too well now. 

Fives' pov

                                                                                                                                                          "Stand down, trooper!" Commander Fox ordered, I spotted Captain's blasters. "Fives, don't!" Captain ordered. "Stay away from me!" I shouted, and I aimed but Fox had beaten me to it but the blaster never hit me. 

3rd person view(prepare to cry)

                                                                                                                                                          Commander Fox didn't miss, oh no, no, he did not miss at all. There was a sudden gasp for air and the air shimmered revealing CT-5445, their sister, Sera. Sera took a few steps back and Fives quickly caught her. "Sera? Sera, stay with me, princess," said Fives, he cradled her in his lap. "Fives," she gasped. "I'm right here," said Fives, the ray shield was destroyed and Captain ordered someone to call for a medic. "Stay with me, princess," Fives begged. "Fives, tell them the truth," Sera gasped. "Nobody will believe me," said Fives. "I believe you," said Sera. "That's my last wish, tell every one the truth. Let the doctors examine the chip, let them say that everything you said it true," said Sera. "Tell everyone that I said 'bye'," said Sera. "Maybe I'll see Echo, Hevy too, and Tup, Tuppy puppy, that was my nickname for him," Sera smiled softly. "Goodbye." Silence, everything was quiet for Fives, her heart stopped beating, her chest stopped moving, all the life in her eyes are gone. 

                                                                                                                                                        Rex got into a fight with Commander Fox while General Skywalker tried to break them up, Fives, poor Fives couldn't help but blame himself for his beloved sister's death. She laid dead in his lap. 'It's all my fault,' was all he could think about. 'She's dead because of me. What type of brother am I?' 

                                                                                                                                                        The truth was released to the public, the Senate elected a new Chancellor while Palpatine was executed, all the clones were freed from the chips and the war was won. Few days later, there was a funeral, most would have been cremated but not Sera, no, she was given a proper funeral. Every battalion was there along with those who are not, all the Jedi as well. Many came to say their goodbyes, it was difficult for the clones to say goodbye to their beloved sister, there was so much pain. CT-5445 "Sera" "Ghost" will be remembered in the 501st, the 212th, and and the 104th; even though Wolffe didn't like her but most of his brothers did. 

                                                                                                                                                         The clones were freed from the Republic, many found suitable jobs, some found a woman and started a family like how Rex had done. Stories of their sister was told, and many were fantasied by her. "Daddy, can you tell me another story about Aunt Sera?" Asked Sara, Rex's five year old daughter. "You already know them," Rex chuckled. "I don't care, I wanna hear them," said Sara. "Please?" She begged. "I wanna hear them too!" Echo said, he was proudly named after Echo. "Very well," Rex sighed. "Here goes nothing." 

And that, is the end of this book. I'm sorry I killed Sera off but I couldn't shake this idea off, maybe, just maybe, I'll write an alternative ending. Flying_White_Pegasus I like to thank you for sticking with me from the beginning to end while commenting and voting on this book. I know the Star Wars verse this doesn't happen but it happens in mine! Bye! And see ya in some other book I may start!

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