Chapter 3

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Sera's pov

I'm currently sitting on a crate cleaning my rifle, I stopped, and checked the scope before cleaning again. "Why a sniper rifle?" I heard someone asking, I looked up to see Waxer. "Sorry?" I said. "Why a sniper rifle?" He repeated, I shrugged. "I don't know," I said. "I guess a sniper rifle is much more comforting than a blaster," Waxer sat next to me. "Really?" He asked. "Mhm," I hummed, I loaded the rifle. "Time to see if the scope is good," I said, I scoped with the rifle, and took down a row of cans that I had set up. "Dang," said Waxer. "You have a good shot," I smiled. "I do don't I?" I agreed, I used the rifle as a stand, and sighed. "I hope we go on another mission soon, Waxer," I said. "I'm bored out of my mind," Waxer chuckled. "Yeah, I feel ya," said Waxer, he got off the crate. "Hope you join us for the next one," said Waxer. "See you around." I waved bye. "Bye!" Waxer chuckled, and walked away.

I walked back to the barracks, I heard voices, and I entered to see everyone lounging around. "Hey Sera," said Jesse. "How are you?" I smiled. "Fine," I said, I dropped my rifle at my bunk before plopping myself down between Fives, and Kix. "What's going on?" I asked. "Talking about our next mission on Umbara," said Hardcase. "Can't wait to get into action again," I tilted my head to the side. "Umbara?" I repeated. "Yeah, Umbara," said Jesse. "We're supposed to reclaim it for the Republic," I nodded. "Okay," I said. "Can I come?" Everyone shared a look. "We're not really sure," said Tup. "Why not?" I asked. "Because you're a shiny," said Fives. "Like me, and Echo. Or at least, we were," I frowned. "So I have to stay here?" I pouted. "I'm going to be bored!" I whined. "Is the 212th staying?" I asked. "No, they're coming with us." Said Echo, I pouted. "I'm going to be alone then?" I softly asked. "Yeah, kid, you're staying here," said Tup. "Sorry." I sighed. "Hey, we'll be back before you know it," said Fives. "Just wait for us, okay?" I nodded.

It was true, I was staying behind, I watched them get deployed before walking back to the barracks with my head down. I plopped myself down on my bunk, and slept.

*time skip*

I heard knocking making me wake up, I got up, and ran my fingers through my messy hair, and smoothing it out before opening the door. I saw General Skywalker. "General!" I saluted. "What brings you here?" I asked. "Another general is taking care of it," said General. "And I was hoping you may be interested in heading down to Umbara to be part of the mission?" I perked up. "Yes, I would," I said. "Good, get suited up," said General. "Oh, and bring a lot of medical supplies with you. I think Kix may need more." I nodded. "Yes, sir."

When the gun ship landed, I got off, and I saw Captain. "Captain," I saluted. "General Skywalker wasn't kidding, huh?" He said. "No, sir," I said. "At ease, kid, best that we tell General Krell about your arrival," I quickly caught up with him. "I never heard of General Krell," I said. "What is he like?" I heard a booming voice. "CAPTAIN!" I winced. "Trust me, kid, you won't like him." I watched a creature with four arms walk over to us.

He gave me a look. "And why is there a child present?" I frowned. "Sir, I am no child," I protested, he stepped up to me making me realize how big he is. "You have no right to talk back to me like that, child," he said, Captain stepped in. "Sir, she's new," said Captain, he gently pushed me behind him. "She didn't know," he huffed. "If she steps out of line one more time, she's gone understood, Captain?" I gulped. "Understood, sir," said Captain, and he left. "I can see what you mean now." I softly said, Captain gently tilted my chin up. "Hey, don't worry about it," said Captain. "We're not letting anything happen to you."

Captain told me to stay close to him while we marched, and I did, he didn't trust Krell. "I have a bad feeling about this." I softly said. "We'll be alright," said Captain. "Just stay close." I nodded, and there were blaster fires. "Ambush!" I gasped, and ran so I can find higher ground, I quickly found higher ground, and set up my position.

I carefully tracked, and fired taking down an Umbarian soldier, I continued taking them out one by one, I noticed that Krell wasn't doing anything at making me frown. I heard groaning underneath me making me gasp, something grabbed my ankle, and yanked. "HELP!"

Rex's pov

I heard screaming, I looked to see Ghost being dragged by some plant. "HELP!" I pulled out another blaster. "Take it down!" Multiple blasters were fired, and the plant dropped her. I caught her, and the plant went down. "You okay?" She nodded. "Yeah," said Ghost, I placed her down, and she shuddered. "That was scary." I rubbed her shoulders gently. "Come on, let's see who's wounded." She nodded, and started to look for the wounded.

Once the wounded were taken care of, we started to move again. Ghost stayed close to Kix, helping him take care of the wounded. "Captain," I stopped. "Sir?" Krell stood next to me. "She's a distraction," I frowned, and looked at Kix, and Ghost. "She is not," I answered. "She's merely a new trooper who needs to learn the ropes," Krell simply crossed his arms. "She is distracting all of you," said Krell. "Perhaps you should send her away," shock overcame me. "I rather not," I said. "She took out all of those Umbarians without hesitation! We need her! She's our eyes!" Krell simply scoffed. "It's either you kick her out or I'll do it myself, Captain," said Krell. "Be careful of your choices."

I heard footsteps. "Captain?" I turned to see Ghost, here goggles are in her hands now. "Get the men back up," I ordered. "We need to keep going," Ghost nodded. "Yes, sir," she said. "Ghost?" She turned. "Yes, sir?" She said. "Be careful," she nodded. "I will, sir." And she walks away to get the men up.

Ghost's pov

I walked close to Fives, Hardcase, and Jesse. "I don't like him," I muttered to them as I watched Krell speak to Captain again. "We don't either," said Fives. "He is one evil bastard," I frowned. "What do you mean by evil?" I asked. "You don't mean by he's an agent of the Dark Side are you?" Jesse looked horrified. "Of course not!" He protested. "He just means that he's harsh that's all," I frowned again. "Okay," I said softly, Jesse swiftly pulled his helmet off just a bit so he can kiss my forehead, and pulled it back down. "Don't worry, kid, nothing's gonna happen with us around, kay?" I nodded. "Okay." I said.

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