Chapter 20- Interrogation

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Chapter song: Bad Blood ~ Alison Mosshart

I don't know how long I was out, but I must've been out quite awhile because when I woke up, I was surrounded by darkness. I was sitting in a chair with my arms tied up behind it. There was a table in front of me, which was the only piece of furniture in the room. It was dark, and the room was only lit up by a small light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Where was I? Where was Glenn? How did I get here? Then I remembered...Merle.

A loud noise coming from the room next to me made me jump slightly. I heard a loud voice and immediately knew it was Merle. I heard loud noises and grunts as he continued shouting. I listened in the best I could and finally heard someone else's voice, it was Glenn! I came to the sad conclusion that he was being beaten. I started crying hearing that scene next to me. I could hear punch after punch and eventually I couldn't take it anymore. "Glenn!" I shouted. "Glenn!" After I screamed, it was silent. A door opened and closed and my heart beat frantically in my chest. Was he going to come into my room? Is Glenn okay? Questions filled my mind as I waited and waited for someone to come into the room, but it didn't happen.

I'm not sure how much time had passed after that, but there was a lot of it. It was hot in this room, and I had started to sweat, both from this heat and I was scared. My stomach growled and I knew I had obviously been here awhile. I didn't even know what time of day it was. Had we been here overnight? I knew everyone back at the prison must be worried sick, especially Daryl and Maggie. But no one knows where we are, how would they be able to start looking? I payed my head on the table, feeling it start to pound with worry and anxiety. I kept telling myself to hold it together, but more and more of me just wanted to break down and cry. All the sudden I heard the door to my room start to open, my anxiety would have to wait until later.

I sat up, expecting to see Merle, but it was not him at all. When I saw the man turn around after closing the door, I wanted to fight and to run away. The man was tall, had some scruff, and still had the same sadistic look on his face as he did when I last saw him about a year ago. He held something in his hand and I saw my backpack that I had dropped when Merle found Glenn and I. This man was my stepdad. He looked like he was in some position of authority, I could tell by the way he was carrying himself. We made eye contact and he smiled. Not the kind of smile that portrayed he was happy to see me. This smile was evil, and showed a sign of manipulation. I knew that smile like that back of my hand and mentally prepared myself for what was going to happen.

"'re alive." He said and sat down across the table from me. A tear escaped my eye and slowly fell down my cheek. I wasn't going to respond to his comment. I don't know why I was crying either, I was in shock. Maybe I was glad to see someone else I knew who was alive. Maybe I had thought of all the things he had done to me in the past, or maybe I was crying all because he was simply alive, and not dead like he deserved to be. "Casey, are my daughters alive?" He asked me. Is he serious? He had the guts to ask me that, as he is holding his step daughter hostage right in front of him?

"They're dead." I said quickly. He sighed. "Where am I?" I asked. "I think Casey the question is, WHERE have you been? Tell me, how'd you survive?" I didn't know what to say. But I knew I couldn't tell him where my group was. "Locked myself in a room at school and then went home the next day to see my mom eaten, then I shot her. I found the girls dead a couple weeks later. I didn't know where you were, figured you bolted like a coward." I kept my story short and sweet. I didn't want anything I said used against me. "Where are you holding up now?" He asked me. I was silent then to this question. "Casey talk to me." He said quietly but firmly. I knew that tone, he was getting impatient. I looked at him and still did not say a thing.

"Well since you feel the need to not cooperate which is not surprising, looks like I'll have to make you." He said and threw the backpack on the table. He unzipped it and I started to feel uneasy. He pulled out the orange enveloped that I had grabbed from my house when this all began. "You know, I've always wondered what Kelly kept in this." He said, opening it. He pulled out a slightly crumpled piece of paper first. I was curious myself, after all this time I hadn't opened it. For some weird reason, I hadn't felt the need to. "Casey...I promise Merle and I will be back someday." He read from the paper. His voice dropped when his lips said Merle. He frantically put the paper down and grabbed another sheet from the envelope, I could tell it was my birth certificate.

"Oh man, Daryl Dixon!" He laughed. I glared at him. "This just keeps getting better and better! Listen, Merle wants to find his brother and know where he is. From what he tells me, he's still alive according to that Asian boy." He looked me in the eye. I was still silent. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up, which made me jump in my seat. "Where is your group?" He demanded. Nothing came out of my mouth. Now that he knew about Daryl, I couldn't risk saying the wrong thing. He walked over to me, slowly. When he was close enough to me he looked me in the eye and before I could react, he slapped me hard across the face and grabbed my chin forcefully as I let out a whimper. I licked my lip and immediately tasted blood.

"If you don't tell me, I will make sure that you suffer." He told me, coming closer to my face. I spat at him and he backed away, wiping his eyes. "Bitch!" He yelled and this time it wasn't a slap, it was harder- it was a punch. It connected near my right eye. I felt immense pain fill my head and my eye start to water. "You're weak, you always have been. Now you're gonna tell me where your group is-" before he could finish I cut him off. "No, I won't tell you. You're sick, and you're a monster. And Daryl has done more for me in a year than you ever did almost 9 years of my life. I'm not weak. I survived and that's exactly what I'm going to do. You mess with us, and you will die." I was in shock as I finished. I had never stood up to him like that. He looked at me deep in the eye, and I immediately regretted saying that to him.

He violently grabbed the hair on the back of my head in his fist and suddenly a gun was pointed to my head. "You will tell me...or your Asian friend will die." My heart dropped. My head was torn. Now I felt as if I had no choice at all. A tear once again fell to my eye. "The prison." I softly said. "Say it again!" He screamed, taunting me. "Prison!" I raised my voice. He took the gun away from my head and smiled at his success.

He started walking away, and before he left he turned to me slightly and said "I always win." And shut the door behind him. I then started to sob. What had I just done?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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