New Character POV:

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New Character POV:

I looked outside of the window of my Uncle Alvin's office as I heard a light rain hit the glass. I actually enjoyed the rain. I switched my focus back to my research paper that was due later this week. "How's that paper coming along?" I looked up at my uncle who was at his desk typing at his computer. "Pretty good, got three out of five paragraphs done." I said and sighed stressfully. He nodded and continued to type. Today I was visiting my uncle at his work. He works at the prison outside of Kings County Georgia. Kings County is a small county on the outskirts of Atlanta. He is head of Security or something like that. I come here often actually. I live with a foster family but I enjoy coming here after school to see him, since he's basically the only real family I have left. When I visit him I can get my homework done and think. The prison is surprisingly quite peaceful and I've come here frequently for about a year ever since my parents died in a car accident.

I opened up my laptop and typed in "World War II" in the search bar. I clicked the 'enter' key when there was a sudden crash outside the room. It sounded like something was being banged against the wall. I looked up, startled, as I heard distant gun shots and screaming coming from outside my Uncle's office. My uncle grabbed a gun from the drawer of his desk and quickly headed for the door with me not far behind him. "Marie, stand back." He warned me as he slowly opened the door. I looked over his shoulder and my nose was immediately met with the stench of rotten flesh. My eyes went wide and I felt frozen in fear as I saw a security guard on the ground--dead, as a prisoner devoured him. There was a pool of blood around the dead guard and his organs were everywhere as that thing ate him. My uncle tossed me his gun and grabbed another gun from a cabinet in his office before running back to the hall where he shot the prisoner in the shoulder. The prisoner growled as he stumbled backwards at the shot, but he kept coming.

He stood up and my uncle shot again, but missed when the prisoner lunged at him. I screamed as they fell to the floor, that thing taking a bite out of my uncle's neck. "Run! Run!" He said in between painful screams. I grabbed my things quickly and grabbed the gun he dropped while he fell and ran down the hall while it feasted on my uncle. I zig-zagged through the halls as these monsters followed me; they were everywhere. I remember my uncle telling me about all the secure rooms once- the boiler room is what came to my mind at this moment. I knew exactly where it was and ran as fast as I could and finally made it before those things could get me. I shut and locked the door as I heard those things trying to get in. I sighed and tried to catch my breath as I slid down to the floor, my back against the door. I sat with my legs against my chest in horror. What the hell were those things? I then started quietly crying in confusion and sadness.


I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up my watch said 8:30 a.m. and the sun was shining through a few small windows. I was still scared to go out so I stayed in the room until later that night. Not knowing how long I would be here I convinced myself that I was going to need food and supplies. So once I felt it was safe and silent, I unlocked the door and slowly opened the door, finding nothing but scattered papers and blood on the walls and floor.

Thinking I would need something to protect myself, I searched the hallways until I found an emergency axe kept in a glass box on the wall. I quickly smashed in the glass with my fist- not a good idea. My hand now had bits of glass in it and was bleeding steadily. Also, I began to worry that the monsters may have heard the glass and are coming after me. Keeping my ears open for growls and moans, I stealthily made my way to the closest office first and went through the drawers, finding extra boxes of ammo along with a pocket knife and a small radio. Then I went to the cafeteria with my axe in my good hand and and the other supplies in my backpack. Right as I was about to open the door to the pantry, a voice made me jump.

"Hey! Don't you be thinkin' about takin' all that food!" I turned around to see 5 prisoners on the other side of the room behind a small wall that divided the cafeteria. "Calm down Tomas, the girl is probably starvin'." One of them with a funny mustache said. "But we don't need girls takin' from our stash now do we?" Tomas said to me. "Lay off, man." The tallest one said. "How'd you get in here anyways?" Tomas asked me. "You don't look like no convict." The short African American one said to me. "My uncle works here and I was with him when it happened. I locked myself in his office." I lied. It didn't seem like a good idea to tell these prisoners where I was staying, and they didn't need to know that my uncle wasn't exactly alive. The prisoners were silent and then I finally spoke up. "I don't want any harm, and you guys don't want me here, and quite frankly I don't want to be here either- so if you let me take some food, I'll keep my distance. Deal?" I asked them. Tomas thought about it for a few seconds and said "Deal. But if you try anything different--you're dead." He threatened me, showing me a small gun he had.

I nodded nervously and headed into the pantry, where I stuffed what I could into my backpack. Once I was done, I made my way back to he boiler room and locked the door. Here I organized my supplies, picked the glass out of my tender hand, and wondered just how long this epidemic would last- how long I would be stuck in here

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