Chapter 3- Attack

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The rest of the day went by pretty slow. The sun made it really hot, and Carl, Sophia, and I just sat around and talked about the things we missed, trying to brighten the spirits up. I had gotten pretty fond of Sophia and her mother. Sophia was my age, but she seemed younger because of the way she dressed and she always had her doll, but that was ok. My mom said I was never into girly stuff like dolls and ponies, and that I would much rather have been getting my hands dirty in the mud--another thing I inherited from my father.

"Look at all the fish mom!" Carl suddenly said, walking towards Andrea and Amy, who seemed to have at least a dozen fish from their trip to the quarry. Morales took the fish from them and said "Because of you, my children will eat tonight. Thank you." "Where did you learn to do that?" Lori asked, shocked. "Our dad." Amy said. Everyone started to skin the fish when Dale said "I don't mean to cause any alarm, but I think we have a slight problem." He pointed at a hill close by, and we all went up there to check on what Jim was doing. I stayed close to Carl and Lori as I looked on, confused. He was digging human shaped holes. It freaked me out a bit, but I just watched on as Shane and him had a huge talk/brawl. Jim ended up being tied to a tree because Shane thought he was going crazy.

I sat outside my tent, fiddling with some pieces of grass and heard someone come up to me. It was Carl. I smiled at him and said "Hey!" He sat down next to me and I heard Lori yell "Carl! Always in my sight!" She did the 'I'm watching you sign' from her eyes to his and he said "Yes mom."

"I saw you were talking to Daryl last night." He said. I nodded and said "Yeah." "I'm surprised, he hasn't let anyone talk to him like that except for his brother since they got here." Carl said. "Like what?" I asked, confused. "Like, he seemed so calm, like you guys were having a calm discussion." He said. I chuckled. "I take that back, he and his brother would always shout at each other. I didn't like Merle. He scared me." Carl said. "I'm sure I wouldn't either." I said. "You seemed so comfortable around him. Do you know him?" Carl asked. "No. I don't think so." I said, laughing. There was a slight pause and he said "You guys look alike." "Who? Me and Daryl?" I asked. "Yeah. You guys have the same eyes and nose." I chuckled.

Carl and I spent the rest of the evening talking and playing little board games that were in Dale's RV to keep us occupied in between school sessions that Carol and Lori had set up for us. It was getting dark when I heard "Who's ready for some fish?" I heard a voice say. Carl and I smiled at each other as we got excited to eat some real food besides the squirrels that Daryl had gotten yesterday. As we all ate around the campfire, sharing stories and laughing, we ate the delicious fish. Once we were all pretty much done and full, Amy started to get up. "Where you going?" Andrea asked her sister. "I have to pee. Jeez, you try to be discreet around here?" Everyone laughed at her comment as she made her way to the RV.

I thought I heard a growl, but just shook it out of my head, thinking I was imagining things. But then I heard the RV door open, and it was Amy. "We're out of toilet paper?" No one seemed to hear her until I heard a loud scream come from that direction. I looked over at Amy and there was a walker biting at her arm! She screamed in pain and Andrea yelled "NOOO!" As I soon saw walkers all around us. Shane, Morales, Jim, and all the other boys started shooting at them as the group started to panic. "Get to the RV!" Shane yelled. I did as I was told and started running. I then tripped over one of the logs that was near the fire pit. I started hearing more bullets as I see Glenn, T-Dog, Rick, and Daryl coming to our rescue. I was in complete shock and couldn't move. A walker came in front of me, and grabbed my leg. I screamed hysterically as I watched it lean down towards my foot.

Then, right before it sunk its sickening teeth into my leg, I heard someone yell "Casey!" and someone shot the walker, the blood coming from the head all over me. It fell on top of me and I let out a groan as it was quickly pulled off of me and I noticed it was Daryl who shot it. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up with ease. "Were you bit?" He asked me urgently. "No." I stuttered out and started shaking. All the walkers were dead now, all laying around the campsite. Carl was crying, clutching to his dad. I started bawling and heavily breathed uncontrollably and I almost passed out, but Daryl kept his grip on me. "Shh, shh" He said to me and tried to keep me quiet as I struggled to stay up. "It's over now." He whispered to me. "My god, she's shaking." Carol said, noticing how freaked out I was. I quivered and stayed close to Daryl. "Just an anxiety attack, she'll calm down." He said, looking me in the eye. "I can't control it." I whispered to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and said "You have nothing to worry about now."

I was still crying in fear as I heard Andrea start wailing and bawling. She yelled "Amy! Oh Amy!" Many times and then Jim said "I remember my dream now. Why I dug the holes." I continued crying as Daryl led me back to my tent. I didn't want to leave him. I didn't feel safe by myself. I went in like he wanted me too, and it was decided that they would work on burning the walkers, as well as properly burying the members of the camp that didn't survive, like Amy and Ed tomorrow.


I wake up in the middle of the night, scared to death. What if the walkers come back? What if they heard the gunshots and we get attacked again? What if I don't live to see another day? What if I get bit? What if I never see my sisters again? What if they got bit by the walkers up here in the mountain? A million questions filled my brain as I grabbed the sides of my head in pain and fell down on my pillow, crying softly so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

I then heard footsteps outside my tent. Scared, and thinking it was a walker, I huddled to the back of my tent, with my knife in hand. I saw the tent door slowly unzip, I gulped and prayed silently. I sighed in relief when I saw it was only Daryl. "Put the damn thing down." He said and sat across from me. I put it away, glad I was in his presence, and that I couldn't get hurt. "Sorry I scared ya." He said, quietly. "It's ok." I said, calming down. "Were you cryin?" He asked. I nodded. "Why?" He asked. "I'm scared. I'm afraid they got my sisters." I said, rubbing off newly fallen tears off my cheek. He sighed and looked at me. "If you want to live, you're going to have to toughen up." He said blankly. I glared at him. "Who said I was weak?" I said, almost angry. "Just try to control the anxiety." I cried some more and he said "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to be personal." He moved beside me. He wiped a tear off my cheek with his hand and he said "You got quite the shiner there. What happened?" "Ed." was all I said. "He hit you?" He said, angrily. "Pretty much. There was a scene at the quarry--" I said before he cut me off. "I know what happened."

"Listen, I think we are planning on heading to the CDC soon." He said. "What? No! We can't leave my sisters!" I said, this time bawling some more. He pulled me against him awkwardly, like he didn't know what to do, but I just let him. "There's a chance they could be there. It's not far. " He said, trying to make me feel better. "They are nine! They wouldn't know what to do!" I said, pissed at him for no reason. "You just get some rest. Tomorrow we can look for them again, but that will probably be it." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. I wriggled out of his grasp and went a few feet from him and put my head into the ground, avoiding eye contact. I hated pushing him away, but I needed my space to think about all this. "See ya in the mornin." He said, leaving the tent.

A/N: ZOMBIE ATTACK AAHH!! lol hope this one was good!! what are your thoughts on Daryl? :O

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