Chapter 5- Hell on a Highway

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I clung onto Daryl, or dad, as we drove away on his motorcycle from the burning building which used to be the CDC. So much happened in such little time. From finding out what caused the walkers, to finding out that Daryl is my dad after all. I lied my cheek on his back and and just let everything sink in. I was a Dixon. This man was the person that my mom never wanted me to know. Shane told me that he had suspected it because of the description I gave him, and now that I think about it, Carl did say we looked alike. I was actually happy to find out, I wonder if he knew though. I mean, he did save me during the attack at the fish fry, and when I threw a fit in the woods, when I said he wasn't my father, he practically exploded.

We are on a highway, headed to Fort Benning or someplace that Rick said. I closed my eyes, and just let the loud hum of the motorcycle calm me. It was a little cool outside, but the warm Georgia sun kept me comfortable. I felt relaxed and safe for the first time since this whole outbreak happened.

"Shit." I heard Daryl murmur. I lifted my face off his back and said "What?" He didn't answer but he didn't have to because then I saw a huge hoard of cars in the middle of the highway. There had to be hundreds, they were just packed together, going in different directions. Some were even on their sides or flipped over. Daryl turned his bike around and stopped at the side of the RV. "You see a way through?" Dale asked. Dad motioned with his head to follow him as he turned around. We slowly zig zagged through the cars until I heard a loud muffling noise, and saw the RV engine sputter and smoke. Everyone in the line stopped to see what happened.

Rick, Dale, and Shane suggested we stay here for awhile and look for supplies. "This is a gold mine." Glenn said, cheerfully as Dale tried to teach him how to fix the RV. "This is a graveyard." Lori said, worried. I hopped off the motorcycle and watched Lori, Carl, Carol, and Sophia go looking for anything we could need. "Kids, don't look." I heard Carol say. I started off in their direction, but was stopped by Daryl's voice. "Hey." I turned around and faced him. "Stay close." I nodded and walked to them as he did who knows what.

We just fiddled through cars until I heard Carl say "Casey! Look!" I found him looking into an old truck. "Carl, what are you doing?" I asked, urgently. "Look!" He said and pointed to a big black case that looked like it was holding something sharp. He started opening the door when I said "Don't! There's a walker in there!" I whispered frantically. "It's not moving though. C'mon, please?" He begged. I sighed. "Fine, but you need to be careful. I'll be right behind you incase something happens." I said and took out my knife as he opened the door. My heart beat frantically as he reached over the walker, trying to grab the case. I kept thinking to myself-what if I freak out and can't kill the walker? Carl's life would be taken and it would be all my fault. But my thoughts were interrupted by Carl giving out a small scream and landing on top of me. "Did you get what you wanted?" I groaned. "Sure did." He said and got off of me and ran toward his mom and Shane.

I went to go find Sophia when I spotted something in one of the cars. I leaned up against the window and peered in. There were guts everywhere but I tried to ignore it. I opened up the door and saw what looked like cop/swat gear and weapons. There was a knife kit that I openly took and boxes of ammo. Then I noticed a small, makeshift bow. It was like Daryl's. I inspected it but noticed it was busted up and broken in several places, and the string was snapped. I thought then well, if there's a bow, there's gotta be arrows somewhere. I rummaged through more of the stuff and found at least 10 arrows. I smiled at my stash and went to the RV where Lori and Shane were. "Guys! Look!" I said and layed the ammo and knife kit on a hood of a car. I kept one of the knives and went to find Daryl to give him the arrows. "Daryl?" I shouted. "Dar-?" I was cut off by Rick putting his hand around my mouth and pulling me near one of the cars which caused me to drop all the arrows.

"Get under the car! Now!" He whispered sharply. I did as I was told and went under the car with Sophia. Across from us was Carl, Carol and Lori. I started crying silently as a huge herd of walkers started walking between the cars. I heard moans as they shuffled across. There had to be maybe hundreds. I cried silently and all I could think of was being with Daryl. I tried to keep Sophia from whimpering on top of mine and I did everything I could to keep myself quiet. I bit my lip so hard that I think I could taste a trickle of blood. After maybe 15 minutes, it was silent. No footsteps or moans to be heard. I looked over at Lori, who mouthed "Stay there." To me. I nodded and went to tell Sophia, but she was already leaving and was halfway out from under the car! She kept moving and I said "Sophia! No!" and went after her. I stood up and a walker must've heard me, and went under the car after me. I screamed hysterically as I got out of the car and saw another go after Sophia. We caught up to each other as we climbed over the rail and started running down the hill.

I lost my balance and and fell forward. I rolled down the hill and felt the sharp branches and twigs scratch up my face and legs. Sophia kept screaming as she ran after me. I heard the walkers come closer as we kept running after I managed to stop rolling. I looked behind me to see how close they were but then I looked forward and we bumped into Rick. I screamed and he gave us directions urgently. I didn't and couldn't listen because by now I was having an anxiety attack. We went under the bank like he instructed and he ran off.

I bawled as we stood there, and everything was quiet. "We need to go back!" Sophia said. "No! We have to wait for Rick!" I said. "I'm going back! You stay here and I'll get help." She said and ran off. "No!" I whispered frantically. I didn't go after her, I was frozen in fear and my anxiety hadn't gone down. I didn't know what to do. I was left alone for what seemed like hours. I was scared and alone. Why hasn't Sophia come back yet? But then I heard a twig snap. My heart beat really fast and I whimpered. But then I heard someone say "Sophia! Casey!" It was Rick. "Rick!" I yelled back and ran out to him with tears in my eyes. "Oh thank god." Rick sighed. "Casey!" I looked and saw Daryl. "Daryl!" I rushed to him and he cupped my face, inspecting my wounds. "Where'd the hell these come from?" He asked. "I fell and rolled down the hill..." I paused. "Where's Sophia?" Rick asked. I started bawling again and I said "She was with me for awhile, but then she said she was going to go get help since I was having an anxiety attack. I tried to stop her. I just...I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I said. Daryl grabbed my heard and held me against his chest with one hand. "Don't apologize, but we gotta find that girl." He said to Rick. "Please find her." I said, looking at Rick. He put his hand on my shoulder and said "We're gonna do everything we can, ok?" I nodded and Rick said "Daryl knows these woods better than anybody. Shane, it would be best if you brought everyone back and keep them calm." Shane nodded and said "Yeah. I'll keep them occupied." I looked at Daryl and he let me go to Shane. Shane put his arm on my back and we headed up the hill.

"What happened?" I heard Glenn asked me. "The scratches?" "I fell while running down the hill." I simply said. "You got a nasty one right there." He said and lightly touched my temple. "Ow!" I said and flinched. I touched my temple and looked at my fingers, which were covered in blood. We made it back up and Shane explained what happened to everyone. I leaned up against the RV, dehydrated. "C'mon, lets get you cleaned up." Dale said, leading me into the RV. He helped me wash my cuts and gave me some food and water. My headache was going down and I felt somewhat better.

I was on the RV bed when I thought of something. The arrows. Were they still good? Are they still there? I got up and practically ran out of the RV. "Woah, slow down there." Dale said, trying to stop me, but I ignored him. I frantically looked between the cars. I found them, and knelt down in front of them. But they weren't like they were before. They were either broken in half, or the back part was torn off. "No no no." I said to myself quietly. I tried finding ones that were still good, but there were only 4. "Casey? What's wrong?" Lori asked me. "I found these arrows before the herd came along, but dropped them when I went under the car. Now they're ruined. I said, sadly. "What were they for?" She asked me. "I was going to give them to Daryl." I answered her. I sighed, got up and took the 4 arrows with me and put them into my bag.


It was nighttime and Rick and Daryl had come back a little earlier with no sign of Sophia. I was sitting on the small couch in the RV, trying to get some sleep, but it was nearly impossible. Daryl was on the ground, and Carol was in the back crying as Andrea was at the table, trying to figure out how to reload her gun or something like that. I saw Daryl get up and said "I'm going to trail the highway." Carol's eyes lit up in thanks and Daryl grabbed his bow and a giant flashlight. I quickly grabbed my bag and another flashlight. I ran to the doorway and whispered "Daryl? Can I come?" He looked back at me and paused for a few second. "C'mon." He said and motioned me over with his head. I smiled and ran up next to him.

A/N: sorry about not updating in soooo long. I hope this one was good. :) OMG i get out for summer May 23rd and im so excited cuz then ill be able to write more!!!! :D xoxo -Emi

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