Chapter 4- Nightmare at the CDC

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I woke up at dawn and got my things together. I needed to try and find my sisters before we left to the CDC. I got my little shotgun, and my knife and was about to head out when I heard someone behind me. "You can't go out there by yourself, it's dangerous." I turned around and saw Glenn. "It's ok, I know my way back." I assured him. "No I mean there's walkers everywhere. Let me go with you." I sighed as he started getting things together. "I told her I would go with her last night." I heard Daryl go up to Glenn. I rolled my eyes. I just wanted to go before we set off. He had his bow in hand and he came up next to me. Inside I was glad Daryl was coming. "Be careful you guys. If you need anything just holler." Glenn said. "Thanks." I smiled at him as we went into the woods.

We were walking for about 10 minutes when Daryl said "What are your sisters like?" I sighed. "They aren't my real sisters. We have different dads. But they each have blonde hair like my mom. They have attitudes and I swear they are nothing like me. They were always into girly things. I wasn't into that stuff. I would rather have been outside getting dirty rather then playing with barbies." I said. He chuckled. I did a little bit too.

Then, I heard a twig snap and something sounded like it was coming towards us. My heart thumped really fast as Daryl pushed me slowly behind him. He was ready and alert. I took out my knife slowly. Then, I heard a growl. There was a walker about 25 yards from us. He noticed that I had my knife out and he said "Let's see what you got. I got your back covered." I nodded at him, scared. The walker spotted us and headed towards us. I froze in fear, and I was supposed to kill this thing.

I got my knife situated in my hand, getting ready to stab it in the head. As it got closer, I saw my mom. She looked completely healthy. She looked gorgeous like she always did. Her long blonde hair flew in the wind and she got closer to me. I put my knife down as she held her arms in front of me. "Don't kill me again." I heard her say.

I looked at her in shock and it brought me back to that day. The day I had to kill her in the head. I started to hear my name being called. She was whispering "Casey..." I never took my eyes off of her. She was now arms length away. But then, something terrible happened. My vision was interrupted by seeing an arrow get shot through her forehead. Blood went everywhere as she went down.

"What the hell were you doing?" Daryl shouted behind me. I looked behind me and he was walking towards me. He took the arrow out of the walker's head and he said "Why didn't you kill it? You were almost bit!" He said and looked down at me, close to my face. There was a pause and he sighed, annoyed. "I can't keep Savin' your ass." He said, walking in the other direction. I looked down. "I saw my mom." I said. He stopped. He turned around and walked back towards me. "What?" He said. "Having to kill one made me think of when I had to kill my mom." I said, a tear running down my face. "Look, the world isn't like it was before. And I'm sorry about your mom. If you want to survive out here, you need to kill them. Whether you see her or not." He kept walking and I went after him. "I'm sorry." I said, disappointed in myself. "Just don't do it again." He said quietly. I nodded as we kept looking.


We looked for them in silence for another 2 hours. "The suns been up for over an hour. We should head back." Daryl said. "Does this mean I won't be able to look for them again?" I said, getting worked up. "I'm afraid not." He said. "I'm not going with you guys then. I can't just leave them here!" I said. "Casey! You're coming with us. We did everything we could to find them." He said. "No I'm not. What if they are still out there?" I said, arguing with him. "You aren't just staying out here in the woods, Casey. That's a death wish. You are coming with us, I'm not letting you do that." He said. "Why would you care! You're not my father! You have no say in this." I said.

That seemed like it triggered something in him. "I don't care. You'd thank me for it later." He said. "No! I'm staying. I'm not leaving my sisters." I said, sitting down on a fallen tree. He sighed angrily and came up to me. "If you want, we can leave some supplies at the camp, and if they stumble across it, we can leave a message saying we went to the CDC. But you can't stay here. You saw what happened last night! You can't even kill a damn walker!" He yelled at me. I gave him a death stare and I stomped towards the camp. "Hey!" He shouted at me. I ignored him and kept walking.

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