Chapter 8- A Day With Daryl

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I went into my tent that night and layed down. I just layed there awake, and in thought. I thought of my mom, and of my sisters, as well as my step dad. Who knows where he was, but I could care less for various reasons. He and I weren't ever close. I thought of my sisters' laughs and smiles. I thought about them waking me up on Christmas mornings with their bright smiles and happiness. I thought about the days when I would play house and reluctantly play dolls with them, and when I would comfort one of them during a thunderstorm or if they had a nightmare.

Then, I switched gears to my mom. She and I had a great bond. She was the only one who understood me. She was always there for me with her gentle words and comforting hugs. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I realized wouldn't want me to be weak in this world. She would tell me to keep fighting, for me, for our family. I had to fight for her, and my sisters. I realized that if I wanted to find them, I would have to have hope. I would have to think positive and not discourage myself. I fell asleep that night feeling uplifted and ready to find my sisters and Sophia. For some reason, I felt they were closer then I realized.


I woke up and the sun was shining in my face. I yawned and changed into some new clothes. The heat coming from outside made me figure that it was probably early afternoon. Damn, I had slept a long time. I crawled out of the tent and looked at the direction of the stables. I saw Daryl walk out holding his side and he looked angry. I walked up to him and asked "What's wrong?" "Sick of these damn people." He said and just walked off. I looked inside the stable and saw Carol in the middle of the hall, tears on her face. "Carol? What happened with him?" I asked, rushing up to her. "Don't worry about it, honey. I'm fine." And shooing me off. I reluctantly walked out of the stables and made my way to the house because I was starving. I walked in and Dale said "Well, look who decided to show up." I smiled at him and Lori handed me a plate of eggs and sausage. I thanked her and after I ate, I helped Lori get Carl up and moving. He looked great and healthy, and wore the sheriff's hat proudly.

Carl and I took a walk and he asked me "Do you think we're gonna find Sophia?" I looked at him and said "I sure hope so." "We can't leave without her...I won't leave without her." He said to me. There were rumors circulating about Hershel wanting us to leave, but I ignored them--not wanting to think about it. "I won't leave either. Besides, Daryl will find her in no time." I told him, trying to keep his spirits up. "Why don't you just call him dad?" He asked me. "I want to, but I'm just not ready yet I guess." "He seems like a good dad." Carl added. "For the most part. He's kind of a jerk sometimes. He has a heart and cares about people, but doesn't know how to show it. But he sure can kick someone's ass without hesitating..." I said. He nodded. "I can see that." Which made both of us laugh. "I think Shane is taking people practice shooting today, you should go." Carl said. I nodded and said "Are you going?" "Yeah, but my mom doesn't want me shooting yet." "You will be soon enough." I told him, trying to make him feel better.


I watched as Shane set up bottles on the fence about 30 yards from me, Andrea, Carol, and Carl. I was given a small gun to practice with from Daryl. He stood watch a little ways from us. Shane taught me different parts of the gun and then how to aim and reload it. I slowly but surely aimed for the bottle. All eyes were on me as I clicked the safety, ready to shoot. I then shot and it went clean through the bottle. I smiled at my work and everyone clapped. I saw Daryl giving me a small smile approvingly. Then we worked on more shooting for another hour, then people started heading back. "Daryl." I stopped him. He turned around and faced me. "Can you teach me?" I asked eagerly. "Teach you what?" He asked me questionably. I looked at his crossbow and he sighed. "We'll catch up!" He yelled at Shane, who waved and then drove off.

"Here." He handed me the bow. I almost dropped it because of its weight but I regained my balance and grip on it. He showed me where to keep my hands and how to hold it properly. "Then, pull this string back." He instructed me. I tried, but damn was it hard. I finally got it and it clicked in place. "About time." He teased me. I rolled my eyes and then he said "Now, you can put the arrow in." He showed me how to position it properly and then he setup an extra bottle on the fence. I held it up and tried to aim it as best as I could. "Jesus christ this is heavy." I said, feeling my arms ache. "Here." he said and came behind me. He put his arms around mine, and helped me hold it up. I felt his breathing behind me and it became silent. "Just focus." Then, I pulled the trigger and the arrow shot it and hit the bottle. I laughed and said "That was awesome!" Nice shot, now here comes the hard part." He told me. "What?" I asked him. "Go retrieve the arrow." He teased me. I stuck my tongue out at him and got it and brought it back. I practiced a few more times and we concluded with me hitting 4 bottles.

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