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I do this a lot to my fellow friend lozza_bones . It's just too fun.
What you need:
• some sort of food in a plastic bag or a container.
• a friend who eats food like nuts or carrots.
• works best when there's also a toilet.

What to do:
As your friend's in the toilet, empty most of their food into your empty container or plastic bag and put it in your pocket. Wait until she comes out and remembered to look innocent.

As she comes out and goes to eat her food, they'll notice that most of their food would be missing. They'll instantly look and you and think that you ate it. This is when you hold your hands up in defence.

After awhile you'll pull the food out of your pocket. They will come at you and all you need to do now it run. Run as fast as you can and don't look back as they will kill you and then eat you instead of their food!!

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