What is going on!!?

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So, I live in Australia and at the moment, news is going on about the Australian cricket scandal. Wow, big deal. Some dude cheated at a cricket match. That's all that is on the news at the moment, but about the fact that Australia as a whole, is doing something much worst.

At the moment, many refugees are being shipped to this refugee camp on an island or something. They are being treated really badly and instead of giving them names, they are giving them numbers. Now can you think of anyone else who have people number??

No, I'm not talking about Stranger Things, I'm talking about the Nazi's. They gave the captured Jews, numbers and now, Austrian are using them as an inspiration??

I ask you, what is going on?? I mean, this is disgraceful. All our lives, we've been told that everyone is equal, that we all deserve a chance. This is not equal, this is not giving them a chance. This bad, this is barbaric and I can't believe that cricket is our biggest problem!!!

I just don't even know anymore

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