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Me and my sister has come to realise how easy our mum is to trick/lie to. It was rather entertaining.

What you need:
• two CD's
• another human being
• a car
• the ability to lie

What to do:
This worked best for us as my mum stopped off somewhere and got out the car. Before hand ask whether you can put in a CD. Let them pick the CD, but you won't need to listen to it for long... Okay, you may need to listen to it for a while but, yeah.

Hopefully the driver will stop and get out (for petrol or snacks or something like that). That's when you change the disk.
You want to change it to something similar, but not the same. Me and my sister changed it from pitch perfect 3 to pitch perfect 1.

After they come back, they may notice and that's when your amazing lying skills come in. We made up parts and added in scenes convincing our Mum. In the end we felt bad so we told her, but you don't need to stop. Try and convince them and see how's my songs you can get through before thy notice.

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