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My jaw hit the floor.

No way...No fucking way.

Spark-my potential boss-went stone-faced, leaning forward in his chair. "You're not out of puns are you? Because that will really effect whether or not you get this job."

I couldn't help but stare at him in silence. His eyes widened as I continued to remain speechless, "Hey..(y/n)...I didn't break you, did I? I know it was a shock to see me on this side of the desk, but surprises like this are a part of life. You have to learn to act and-more importantly-react on instincts."

He shuffles through some paperwork on his desk; if you could call papers strewn about with no regard or organization paperwork. "But from what I've seen,  you're pretty good at relying on your instincts. I've gone over the notes from others about your training method...and you're the type of person we, here at Team Instinct, are looking for... (Y/n)? You're starting to worry me. Did I do I'm new to the whole 'leader' thing..."

Shit. Pull yourself together. 

I cleared my throat. "No. I'm sure you're a great leader. I was the one who was unprofessional-"

Spark's handsome face crinkled in laughter, "Seriously? That's a good one."

He stopped laughing to focus on my face, "Oh. But, (y/n) how the hell were you unprofessional?" 

Well I didn't think my boss would be sexy as hell...? No. Ugh.

"I let some, uh, personal...feelings get to me. Its nothing to be concerned about. I'll be fully able to trust my instincts for this job."

Spark cocked an eyebrow, all confusion melting into a devilish smirk. "'Personal feelings', huh? I can't say this is the first time someone I've interviewed had a crush on me."

"I...I have no idea what you're talking about. Me have a crush on you...?" 

"Its pretty obvious, you thought I was oblivious  to your flirting in the elevator?" Spark's eyebrow stayed raised, challenging me to lie again.

"Fine. I was flirting, but saying that it's a crush? That's thinking too highly of yourself. You don't have that kind of Swagger..." 

Hopefully I'm not fired on the spot. 

Spark's eyebrow plummeted, his smirk slipped a little. Regaining his composure in the silence that followed, Spark cleared his throat.

I fucked up...I fucked it up. Shit! 

"I'll go...I guess." 

"Two things before you leave?" Spark spoke finally. 


"Saturday. 8am. That's when you're to report to the headquarters for work."

My heart jumped; I got the job? 

"And the second thing?"

Spark stared at me again, a smile resting on his face. "Tonight. 7pm."


No fucking way...No, no, no.

"That's the time of our date."

"Date?" I stumbled over my words. 

Why can't I say something...? Anything? 

"Like I said, people have crushed on me before. But none have been as handsome as you. See you tonight"

The Perfect Storm (Spark x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now