leave me and I shall be finally free

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I shall not fear

For you see I shall be free

I've done many things...

But you still hate me and call me names

You think that I'm a waste of space and say I'm scared

I think I'm a person a part of life and not or never will be fearful

I'm a creation and meant to be someone or somebody

Sure you laugh...

But do you think that is funny that one day you take it to far....

And that you are really hurting someone.....

The answer for you see is no you do not you think it is just fun and games...

You run from problems so you don't have to deal with them but do you think your the only one...

Like I said you run or hide I however have to face them you think I'm a cowered... You think I'm a nobody but I think I am somebody....

But one day you promised you can change but however I know you will not and I was right...

You say I'm ugly but just take one more look really close because you say that I'm ugly and your pretty and I however am not ugly on the inside and that I know  actually am on the outside but what on the the outside is not what matters,what does matter is what's on the inside and what I see in the inside of me is someone who has feeling who cares and is worth something or a blooming rare flower that needs support and caring.....

But what you are is beautiful....

Or are you no you are not because like I said it does not matter what's on the outside...

However what you are on the inside is a dark and cruel Peron as black as coal you may act nice but like I said you act nice but you are not....

But maybe sometimes you need to walk away from all the drama and take a breather but you however don't I do because I'm the one who is trying so hard and her best to do anything so people actually notice me....

But you don't need to try because you already get the satisfaction of hurting people and you don't care of what happens to them or how much it can impact on them or how much you have cost them.....

So maybe one I will walk away from all this and there will be only one person who could have cause this and that is however you............


            My own sister.....

And maybe I'll finally will happy and most importantly I'll will be........

Finally free.....

Poems\SongsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora