my heart beat

38 4 0

Do you hear that
That is the sound of my heart
I'm in so much pain
But you think that I am not
I've been neglected
And I just had to reflect on it
But with you, you never see what is truly going on
you act like you got hurt
you're a fake
your selfish
take attention
You ran out on us, have you ever heard of a drama queen well that's what you are
every time I get this close to attention you take that all away from me jealous much I know better and once you come back I won't really have any one I'll be a loner and probably even maybe cry to sleep you will always turn back in to the person you are and will maybe stop trying to act like someone your not..................................................
so if your always wondering why I won't talk to you it's because I don't trust you and probably never will... because ill just end up with a heart attack
(most of it is true and tells of what I think and has happened )

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