I've given up

5 0 0

I wanna be happy

But how can I

I cut

I cry

I just want to die

I see life flashing before my eyes

I feel as if I'm on a roller coaster

A emotional one

It's  going so fast

To fast for me to even comprehend

It's suddenly stops not just the roller coaster

It's the pain

It's stops

It went to

90 heart beats ❤️







Until it stopped 💔

And in that moment I knew I was free

Some say I've given up that I wasn't strong enough

But what they don't know is how strong we are when we go through this pain

They don't know how strong you have to stay in order to hold those tears of pain come out

For you not to have a break down

For you to even get up in the morning without wanting to scream at the world

So you may think I'm not strong enough but to me I am because I'd like to you see what me or anyone else who has to go through this

And see at the end of the day if you don't to go through the pain anymore

I want to see you try and see if you can stop the voices 😟

                                                                       Currently how I feel 😬😞😢

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