Be you

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Today you told we weren't meant to be

But yesterday you told me that you loved me

Was that lie?

If so after all these years I will like to break up

Honey your not worth my time

I don't wanna deal with you anymore

After all these of fighting and of crying

I've decided it's my time to shine, it's my time to shine

This is my time and this my song too

Not everything about you

I'm not gonna be here sitting and waiting for you for you

I've wasted my time on you

You said you loved, you said I was only one for you, you said I could change you

But I knew that that was a lie

And I'm done I'm this, and I'm done this, and I'm done with this

I'm not gonna the one thats broken by you

I'm gonna be me

Your not holding me back anymore

This my life

This my song

And I'm gonna be who I want

This is me

And its what I love

Its my time
To shine, its my time to be free, and its my time to be me

Hey guys so this song is about being you and not changing your self for anyone
I've found that being yourself brings joy to you and gives you the best moments in your life and gives you the best memories who care what people think in brace your inner self don't be be like anyone else because being you is what makes you unique and if anyone tells you other wise is because they could never be a cool as you

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