the silent cry

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Ever been in pain?

Not physical pain but the emotional pain?

Isn't it the worst kind of pain?

I feel as if im screaming trying to escape something

Thing is I don't know what I'm trying to escape

Maybe it's myself

Maybe I'm the monster

And reality is just my own personal hell

I cry ,sometimes it's shows

But mostly I cry on the inside

I call this the silent cry

I'm saying I'm fine and laugh it off

But can't you see it's all a mask?

I'm in such pain I can't even cry in real life anymore

Funny guess I'm just tired I feel drained

I don't wanna live

I wanna escape

I don't know if I'll ever be happy

But I'll sit hoping one day I break through my own personal hell

Or as some people will call it ... Life

I'll sit here and silently cry

Until it all dies down and I'm no longer crying

I'll escape hell and maybe I'll finally be happy...

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