falling apart from all the pain

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I started to cry
Wondering why no one cared
Like I was nothing
And a nobody
I get pushed
And I would most likely get hurt
Not just by getting physically but mentally
What's the cost of it though you may think your not hurting me......
But do you ever think about my thoughts and how I would think because of being hurt............................................................................
I would cry from pain
Being neglected
No one thinks that I'm worth anything
But I am someone with feelings
You don't know me,how much you have hurt me,I bet you don't even think about me and when you do all you do is push me away or brush me off like I'm dirt or just a piece of lint well guess what that just thing as you may refer me as such a s dirt or a piece of lint is something or comes at a cost and when you do brush me off like I'm nothing I break a little and maybe just one day it will just be too much and I'm breaking and when something is broken......................................................................................................................................................................................................................it stays broken ,that something is me I'm falling apart and now I will now and always be broken and maybe one day you'll finally see,at what cost it came up to and that cost is............................................................
For me to be in forever pain

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