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Riley pov:
   Charlie and I were on a date. I was trying to make James jealous by broadening my horizons. Charlie wasn't particularly my 'type', but the girls kept telling me I needed to move on from James. I knew I'd never truly move on from him, but it was worth a try.

      I was drinking my coffee and Charlie told me I shouldn't drink it as it is bad for your fitness. I thought Charlie would be a good distraction from the pain I was feeling after seeing James and Beth together: this was not distracting me. In fact, it was making me feeling worse.

    After the date had ended, Charlie drove me home. I couldn't not compare that date with the quality if the ones I'd had with James; he made it special, and I just couldn't get him out of my head.

   When I got home, I was greeted by Emily. I fell into her arms,  tears pricking at my eyes. I felt my heart sink in my chest at the realisation I no longer was loved, I no longer had my best friend.
     "Riley, sweetie, what happened?" Emily said, concerned.

     "Charlie, James. I don't know what to do!" I stuttered in between sobs. "I feel so stupid, I feel so lost.".

    "Calm down, Ri" Emily replied. "What do you feel so lost about? What happened today that made it all be too much to cope with?"

    "I went on a date with Charlie today." I replied.

    "And I'm assuming it didn't go well as hoped?"

    "No." I awnsered."Charlie just isn't the same. He critiqued my choice of drink, the conversation was really awkward. He made me feel stupid and I just thought seeing someone new would help me not think about James as much. The plan did not go to plan."

    We sat down on the sofa and cuddled. Somehow, our bond felt stronger when I was sad, it was a sister thing; she always knew what to do in situations like these. She sat there and gently stroked my hair, like a little puppy. It was soothing, I felt safe in her arms.

    Suddenly, Emily's phone made a noise and she grabbed it to check what the notification was about.
Emily pov:
   The message was from James. He obviously felt so guilty about what had happened.
    "Please take Riley out for the day. At the end, please bring her to the cafe near my house. I have a surprise for her. I will not physically be there at the start. Ask the cashier for what I left behind the till. I know I screwed up, but please do this for me. Thanks, James."

     I was so surprised. James loved Riley, I always knew that. His kiss with Beth, I saw it coming. I decided to do what he asked, besides: it was an opportunity to take my sister out for the day.

       I wiped Riley's face and put some lipstick on her. She didn't deserve to feel like this. We got in the car,  after physically dragging Ri out of the house, and drove to the hair salon. She deserved a nice pampering session after all the heartbreak that preceded it.

    Next, I took her to the mall and we went and bought some notebooks and stationary. Of course that is what we bought, take Riley to a mall and she can't resist stationary shops!

      After browsing in the mall for what felt like forever, we finally got in the car and drove to the place James told me to.

   "Emily, where are we going?" Riley asked me.

   "Wait and see Riley, a surprise is waiting for you." I replied.

   "But you know I hate surprises!" She moaned.

    "Just wait and see".

James pov:
    Without Emily and Riley knowing, I was in the staff room of the resturant. My boy Rob ,who works at the cafe, let me stay in there until the time was right to come out.

   I was so nervous. My heart was pounding. I had red eyes after crying all afternoon. The heartbreak was too much, I just couldn't cope. My only way of healing was to see if Riley would give me one last chance at reconciliation; one last chance to make things right.

    I heard the door open and two familiar voice started to echo through the building. They had arrived.

Riley pov:
  We arrived at a cafe, one that me and James had been to many times before.

  "Emily, why have we come here?" I asked.

     We went up to the cashier and Emily whispered something to the man. She then took me over to a table.

   Confused,  I asked her again what was going on but she reiterated to me that I must be patient.

    The waiter came over with a cup of coffee for me. To my surprise, there was a latte art heart decorating the top. On the saucer sat a little note.

    "I know a certain a someone said coffee is not good for your 'fitness', but you are perfect and don't need to change for anyone. Turn around after you've finished reading this note. Riley, you are amazing and I feel like such an idiot. I know you don't believe me but the incident wasn't my wrong doing. I know it is no excuse, but I hope you will forgive me, please?"

    I turned around and standing there, eyes full of tears, was James. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms tightly around him. His arms wrapped round me and it felt like the most perfect fit.

   "Riley, I'm so sorry." James sniffed."You are the most amazing girl and I can't believe that I let you slip away. I know you won't believe me but I would never do anything like that to hurt you. Beth will always be a friend but in comparison to what you mean to me, she is nothing. It's always been you Riley."

   At this point people were staring as we were causing quite a big commotion and people were intrigued about what was going on. I didn't care: I cupped his chin in my hands and planted a kiss on his lips. I felt an electric impulse surge through my body, making all the hairs on my arms and legs stand up on end. This is what chemistry was meant to be like, this is what I'd missed with Charlie. And I wanted to feel this way, always.

    "I forgive you James. I forgive you." I said,  my eyes welling up with tears,  this time the tears were happy.

     "And I love you too Riley." He replied."More than you'll ever know."

   I hope you guys like it! Please vote and comment what you think! It would mean a lot to me😊


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