E - Envelopes

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Riley pov:

   "James, come here." I said.

     He walked over and I wrapped my arms around his waist. The height difference meant our hugs always fitted perfectly. I felt so safe with him but all that was about to change.

    James, West and Eldon had been invited to compete at the bangers and mash up hip hop competition all the way over in England. When I got the news, I was devastated. However, I was not going to stand in James' way.

    We let go of each other but, almost immediately,  James gently lifted my chin and planted a kiss on my lips. Once again my whole body tingled. I loved James more than anything and I didn't know how I'd cope without him, especially as I was finding it so hard being studio head. I needed him now more than ever, and this was the time were he couldn't be there to help me.

    When our lips parted, James revealed something from behind his back; a bundle of envelopes, all different colours, tied together with string.

   "What is this?" I asked James, curious to what these envelopes were.

   "These letters are for you, Riley. Anytime you feel sad, or anxious or lonely; open an envelope and there will be a letter from me, helping you through it. You know I'd be back in a heartbeat if you ever needed anything, but, for now, if you need advice quickly, open a letter that has whatever you're feeling on. This is only a small thing I can do to try and make up for me leaving for so long, but I hope it is ok." He told me.

   This was incredible and he had put so much effort into it. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have a boyfriend as exceptional as him. I planted another kiss on his lips, with me on tip toes, barely able to reach his mouth.

    James left me with the bundle of letters and went to see the boys. I sat down on the bench in studio A and unravelled the brown fraying string. The letter fell in a heap on the floor and I knelt down trying to pile them up and gain without looking like a fool. I spotted one that said "when you miss me". I knew I'd need that one first, because I missed James anytime I wasn't around him. His company was addicting and I needed him.

James pov:

    Leaving Riley was the hardest decision  I'd ever had to do. I knew she was struggling and I kept questioning why I'd decided to go with the boys. It was an amazing opportunity,  and I knew Riley was being supportive, but a part of me still regretted my choice.
    I gave her the letters because it felt like I was leaving a little piece of me behind. If she needed advice, she could use the letters if she was desperate and I couldn't talk to her  because of timezones. It felt like the best option if I couldn't be there. I really couldn't dissapointed West and Eldon, or give up this Incredible once in a lifetime opportunity.

Riley pov:
    James left for England the next day, leaving me alone to deal eith the studio. I felt more alone than I thought I would. Not having him there, not being able to speak to him, or hug him: it hurt immensely.

   I had put my envelopes in the draw in my desk. The office felt so big and I felt so little. I'd never felt this isolated,  this alone, this sad. I fished through the letters and found the one saying "when you feel lonely". I read the letter and I found a tear escaped my eye and ran down my face.  The corners of my mouth pivoted up into a slight, sad smile. I don't know why it was a sad smile as such, I just felt a sincere longing for James to be back ,but also I had this letter. He had written it the way he speaks and ended it with his classic line:"don't even worry about it! Lots of love and kisses, James xx". It made me feel slightly better I admitted to myself, but it didn't makeup for the fact he wasn't there in the flesh.

     Suddenly, as the tears ran down my face,  in walked Alfie.

   "Hi, Riley." He said."What's wrong?"

     "It's just, well, James has gone to England and I feel so and lone.  But don't worry about it, you've probably got better things to do than worry about me." I replied

   "No, it's fine. Is there anything I can do to help? Want to go out for dinner?" He asked.

    I stood up abruptly, making the chair screech back across the floor.

    "No, no ,no." I stuttered."I mean, thanks Alfie, but I just want to be alone right now. I'm sorry."

   I had a suspicion Alfie had a slight crush on me. I never thought he'd try and act on it. Whether he genuinely was just trying to be considerate or not, it didn't feel right and I felt like I needed to follow my instincts and refuse his help. James had been so loyal (except from kissing beth, of course), but going out to a innocent dinner with Alfie just didn't feel right.

    After that, Piper walked in to  y office. She ran over and gave me and big hug and asked what was wrong.  I told her I missed James and she said she did too, even though he had only left earlier that day.

    I showed Piper the letters.

   "James really loves you, you know? He never stops talking about you." She said. It made my heart beat faster.

  "Really?"I questioned.

    "Yep, isn't it obvious? He never went to this much effort for any of his previous girlfriends. And I see you as a big sister, so I hope we become sister in laws one day. And I'm sure it will happen, because James adores you."

     What Piper told me made me feel so amazing. If their family talks about the future, it gave me hope. I knew I could handle this. And if I ever needed a boost, I always had a little piece of James in those letters in my office draw.




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