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James pov:

  I was sat in a chair next to the bed, watching my girlfriend fighting for her life. She had what seemed like millions of tubes attached to her, keeping her alive.

     I couldn't believe what happened. I didn't believe them when I got the call. Riley had been walking along the path and a car had lost control and went up onto the path. She had been knocked to the ground and had hit her head,  badly. I was told she was in a coma and they were doing everything they could at the hospital to help. They told me to come in when I was able. To me, this was more important than anything else, so I rushed to the hospital as soon as I could.

    When I arrived, the nurse took me through the narrow halls. It was intimidating. The only light was fluorescent, the air smelt medicinal.

    As soon as I spotted Riley,  I ran over to her; nearly falling in the process. She had a bandage round her head and endless wires attached to each and every limb. A machine was helping her breath remain steady, her body to stay stable. She was in critical condition. It reminded me of the fragility of life and how I might end up loosing her for good.

      The nurse left me alone with her for and while and told me to call if I needed help. I took Rileys hand a gently stroked her delicate skin. She seemed like she had already gone:unresponsive, pale, eyes closed.

      Suddenly, a machine started to beap loudly. I started to panic and screamed for the nurse. She came running and told me to go outside. I didn't want to leave her but the nurse insisted. They started to press buttons and the beaps carried on for about 5 minutes.

    Then I saw more nurses run into the room and, soon after, Riley was being wheeled out down the corridor and into surgery.

    "What is happening?" I cried. "What is happening to her?!"

      "We have noticed some irregular bleeding in the brain from the accident. She needs an operation to remove pressure and stop the bleeding. I'm sorry but all you can do is wait." The nurse replied. She looked sorry for me, but I didn't want sympathy.  I just felt empty.

  Emily pov:

     I was so worried about Riley. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw James. When he noticed I was standing there, he stood up and hugged me tightly. James truly did feel like family, and the look on his face showed me how much he sincerely cared about Riley.

    "James, what is happening?" I asked.

    "Riley has gone into surgery. Brain bleed."He sniffed.

       I wrapped my arms back round him, as tears ran down his cheeks. He was shaking and I just wanted him to feel better, although I was extremely worried too.

      A few hours later, after waiting in the waiting room for ages, the nurse called us in. Riley was lying there was a gauze across her head, tubes attached to her once again. James ran over to her and gently kissed her. She was still not awake. The surgery apparently had gone well and, if all went to plan, that she would hopefully wake up from the coma within 2 days.

      2 days sounded like forever. In a normal persons life, days pass by without much thought. 2 days to them might aswell be 2 seconds; to me it felt like 2 years. I was so scared of what was ahead, but I knew Riley was strong, she could beat this.

James pov:

    2 days passed. The nurse insisted I went home and tried nit to worry, but that was impossible. I went home and came back in with cards and flowers. I knew it was such a generic thing to do when you visit someone in hospital, but it just felt right.

    Her eyes were still closed, still.

        I sat there, next to her bed. Waiting, hoping, praying.
    And then, all of a sudden, her eyes opened.

     "Riley!" I shouted in delight,  disturbing some other patients who were trying to rest: they gave me shady looks.

    "Sorry." I apologised.

         "Oh Riley! I'm so glad you're awake! Now stay still. I don't know if you remember but you were in accident.  You were hit by a car. I'm so glad we didn't loose you." I exclaimed.

    I gave her a big hug, carefully weaving my limbs round the maze of wires.

    "I'm so glad too." She whispered.  It was amazing just to hear her voice again. Her voice was so special. I was never going to let anything happen to her again.

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