fast food and first kisses

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Step 5: The first kiss

When you manage to get a second date with your hot guy, make sure you

- creepily stare at him the entire time
- remind him of his ex and their breakup
- have the best kiss of your life

"I saw that."

"Saw wt lol"

"Are you gonna make me say it?"

"Omg ok I'm sry. I was just looking at ur pictures nd I got a bit too involved nd ik it's creepy nd I'm sry"

"Lol relax"
"It's not a big deal"

"U sure?"


"I'm so sry"

"Besides, it's not like I haven't seen your profile"

"I can't even imagine wt all u would've found thr lol"

"Haha, nothing too bad, don't worry ;)"

"Nyway, now we're even thn"

"Guess we are"


Luke, I'd discovered, had a great sense of humor. And a tendency to text in full forms, with the occasional 'lol' and 'btw'. Which had in turn resulted in my three lettered responses becoming beautiful, full fledged words.

Fast forward a few weeks and we were going out again- this time, for a movie and dinner.

I met him outside the theatre on time, making sure my attire was immaculate, before waving him over and offering him a smile.

We grabbed some popcorn and moved into the theatre, picking a neutral comedy movie to watch. The movie was funny, but ashamedly, I spent most of my time glancing sideways at Luke, the angles of his face accentuated by dim lighting, his eyes creasing up at the corners when he smiled and the way he kept pushing his hair back, his slender fingers making even that simple movement entrancing.

He'd caught me one or two times, and I'd offered him an embarrassed smile before looking back at the screen.

"So, where's dinner?" He asked me as we walked back to the car.

"I'm feeling burger," I replied.

"And I'm feeling fries. Burger King it is." He declared and I nodded happily.

A few minutes later, we were seated across each other, tons of greasy food in front of us. I was literally in heaven.

"I was wondering," I started as I swallowed a bite of my burger. "Why do you deliver pizzas if you're doing architecture? Aren't there better jobs on campus or something?"

"I guess," he said, "but I've been working at Joe's since high school so I just continued with it. It's flexible and with good pay so I guess I'll just stick with it till I'm done with college."

"Which is in two years?" I asked, eating a fry.

"One." He replied. "Yours is two right?"

"Yep," I nodded in reply.

We talked about several different topics after that, bonding over our mutual love for our generation artists, delicious cake and surprisingly, Harry Potter.

"So, can I ask you a question?" I said, nervously when our smooth flowing conversation had lulled.

"Sure," he replied as he nibbled on a fry.

"In that photo I accidentally liked," I said, my face slightly heated up remembering the event, "who was the girl?"

He looked thoughtful for a minute before his face lit up in recognition.

"Oh! That's Carly," he said. "My ex-girlfriend."

Called it.

"Ohh," I replied, trying to look unfazed. "If you don't mind me asking, why'd you guys break up?"

"It just wasn't working out," he said, shrugging. "We realised we're better off as friends."

"That's nice," I said. "And mature."

"Uh thanks, I guess?" He offered, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I mean, breakups are usually messy and mutually destructive, so it's good that you guys were able to avoid all that," I said and he nodded.

"That's true." He agreed. "Now can I ask you a question?"


"Why'd you ask me about Carly?" He said, a smirk on his face.

I blushed.

"I saw her in a lot of your pictures and I was curious," I replied, trying to seem nonchalant.

"Aah." He replied, nodding. "And were you jealous?" He asked, still grinning.

"Ha, of course not," I scoffed, trying to seem like the mature adult I certainly was not. "Why, should I be?" I asked him, arching an eyebrow.

"No reason to be on this end," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I just know that if I found pictures of you and another guy, even from long ago, I'd be jealous that he got to be with you. For however long."

I think my heart just skipped a beat.

I offered him a genuine smile, before looking away. I was not good with compliments and my cheeks were now a blazing red.

"Do you want to leave?" He asked, a few moments of silence later.

I nodded in response, both of us having finsihed our dinner.

The walk to the car was short and quiet. Luke started the car but before he could pull out of the car park, I acted in a moment of impulse and cupped his cheeks with my hands, turning his confused face towards me before kissing him.

He was surprised for a second before he swiftly switched off the car and put his hands on the back of my neck, kissing me back.

And boy, let me tell you, it was one of the best kisses of my life.

His lips were soft and warm and it just felt like I could lose myself in him. My heart and my brain were firing up with small explosions of feelings and my fingers and toes were tingling.

My hands moved up from his cheeks to his hair and his moved down to my waist as the kiss deepened.

Wow. I think I was getting dizzy.

A few minutes later, we broke apart, and he offered me a dazzling smile.

"That was unexpected," he said with a grin as I pulled my hands away. "I thought I'd scared you off with that jealous comment."

I grinned as I replied.

"Well, maybe I was a little jealous too," I offered, shrugging and his smile widened.

"Glad you were," he said, leaning towards me and with the way he was looking at me, like I'd changed his world with a kiss, well, let's just say we didn't leave the Burger King for a good while after that.

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