apartments and first fights

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Step 8: To fight with him

When your boyfriend asks you to move in with him, make sure you

- panic
- not-so-subtly shoot him down
- run out on him

I woke up with my head pressed against a hard wall.

Or that's what it felt like.

Except the wall smelt good.

Inhaling the scent of the wall/human next to me, I groggily opened my eyes and twisted my head to see sunshine streaming in through the window next to the bed.

The hand around me waist tightened and I turned my head forward to see Luke just waking up.

"Morning," he said, his voice still laced with sleep.

"Morning," I replied with a smile, pecking his cheek because damn, did my man look cute.

"Hmm. I missed this," he commented, smiling at me. "You shouldn't go away anymore. I don't like it." He added with a small pout.

I laughed.

"I went to my mom's house for literally two weeks. Would you relax?" I said and he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"It felt like forever," He mumbled, and I laughed again.

"You do realise once college starts we won't be seeing this much of each other?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

He raised his head to look at me in confusion.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Well, remember when we first started dating? It was like two months into college and yet we barely saw each other. I think we met up like three or four times a week. And sometimes not at all." I said, and I saw his eyes dawn with realization. "Besides," I added, "you're in your final year now, so you'll be busier, which means we'll see each other even less."

As I said it out loud, I realized how true it was. With college starting in less than a week, I was not going to see Luke everyday anymore, like we'd done over the summer.

Over the summer, we'd been with each other almost daily, him hanging around in my apartment or me in his. It was very regular for us to just stay the night at each other's place, and as I looked around his room, I realized that I spent a lot of time in it.

There was a rack in the closet for my clothes for when I stayed over, my toothbrush in the stand over the sink, some of my earrings and bracelets strewn over his desk and a bottle of my perfume and a body lotion placed next to his cologne. I think there might even be some tampons in the bathroom cabinet.


It was like I was almost living here.

For some reason, my chest tightened thinking of it, and I took in some deep breaths.

'Relax Shay. It's not like you've already moved in!' I thought, trying to console myself.

For the life of me I couldn't understand why I was panicking about something like this. This had happened so naturally that it really shouldn't have been such a shock to me. Besides, it's not like we were going to move in together or anything. I still had my own place - filled with his things like his place was filled with mine - but it was still mine. And it wasn't going anywhere.

Just as I had begun to calm down, I registered the fact that Luke had been speaking all this while so I tuned into the conversation and managed to catch the last few words of what he said.

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