Chapter 4

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Toffee's Pov~
"What am gonna do?."
I said walking back and forth.
"What does a person like her even like?."
I said quietly to myself.
Looking over my shoulder every now and then to make sure (y/n) wasn't ease dropping.
"Come on think,think,think!."
And then it hit me.
(Y/n) was humming which mean's she probably likes music....
"I got it!."
I rushed out of the room and knocked on (y/n's) door she opened it looking very tired her hair was up in a bun.
Your pov~
You woke up startled by some really loud knocking on your door not thinking straight and panicking you thought the castle was under attack you jumped up and tripped falling on the floor. "Ughhhh....."
You groaned slowly standing up and walking to the door opening it and seeing toffee.
Confused you asked.
"T-toffee?....what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?."
Totally ignoring you he said.
"Follow me."
He grabbed your hand and starting dragging you off somewhere through the hall's he grabbed his dimensional scissors and opened up a portal he walked through it taking you with him.
"Wait! I'm not dressed I'm still in my PJ's!."
*wush* (or whatever the noise is when you go through a portal lol)
Music...all you heard was music loud music. There were people dancing and different colored light's flashing in every direction. Confused but kinda happy you looked over at toffee.
"Toffee what are we doing here?."
Smiling he said.
"I said I'd do something fun didn't I? Princess?." Toffee was still holding your hand as he dragged you to the dance floor smiling he let go and said.
"I'll be right back."
Looking around and panicking as you watched toffee walk off you yelled.
"No hey wait! Where are you going?."
The further toffee got the closer the people dancing got so you did the only thing you could do.
*just's okay toffee will be back he won't leave you...just calm down*
You started dancing and laughing and talking to people after a few min you had forgotten all about toffee he eventually came back with a drink in his hand.
Grabbing the drink you stopped dancing and said. "Thank's."
10 min ago~
Toffee's pov~
Letting go of (y/n's) hand I walked off saying. "I'll be right back."
She yelled at me telling me to come back. I walked up to some punch bowl that was in the middle of the room people were standing all around it and it made it impossible to get a drink.
I spent like 5 min trying to get a drink for (y/n) once I got out of that....little crowd...I started walking across the dance floor looking for (y/n).
When I finally spotted her I saw that she was dancing I watched and smiled as the realization hit.
She's having a good time!.
Walking up to her I handed her a drink and said.
Present~ Star's Pov~
"C'mon Marco! It'll be fun!."
Star used her dimensional scissors to open a portal.
"I don't know star...we have school tomorrow."
Grabbing Marco's hand and walking toward's the portal she said.
"Oh c'mon it'll be fun! it'll only be for a few min then when your ready we'll leave....I promise."
She said smiling at Marco.
Marco said but you could tell that their was hesitation in his voice.
*wush* they made it through the portal. Star still had a grip on Marco's arm.
"C'mon Marco the middle of the dance floor is the funnest!."
Marco looked around his eye's widening when he saw toffee poking star in the arm he asked.
"Isn't that one of the monster's that worked for ludo?."
Star looked at toffee and held up her wand getting ready to blast him but Marco stopped her.
"Whoa! Wait star! can't do that!."
Looking annoyed star turned to Marco and asked.
"Ugh well why not?."
"Because...look at all the people that are around us!. We could get in some serious trouble!."
Lowering her wand she looked back at toffee.
"Wait a second...."
Star said looking passed toffee to see who he was dancing with.
Eye's widening she slapped Marco's arm.
"Ow!. What was that for?!?."
"Um...what exactly am I looking at?...."
"That girl over there!."
"What about her?."
"She's my sister!."
"Yeah,Ya know the one that never got the wand passed down to her because she was secretly dating a monster for like 2 year's so when my parent's found out they locked her up and wiped everyone in town's memory so they'd forget all about her!."
Marco was still kinda processing all of this.
"What happened to the monster?."
"Oh he was banished to another dimension and we erased his memory....and her's to....we don't talk about it. It's a bad dimension...."
"Oh...wait how much of her memory did you erase?."
"Let's go say hi! My parent's want me to tell them if I see her but I'm not going to do that she's been through enough."
Your pov~
You and toffee were having a great time until you heard a very familiar voice.
Star. Grabbing toffee's dimensional scissors you opened a portal and grabbed toffee's hand he gave you a confused look.
"star's here and she's coming over here we gotta go now!."
Toffee's eye's widened and he stepped through the portal.
Once you were on the other side and back in the castle you hugged toffee laughing saying.
"That was so fun!."
Toffee hugged back which kinda surprised you.
You looked up at toffee and you felt something...something new...something wonderful...
That's when you realized.
You had a crush on him.
toffee had this look in his eye but you couldn't tell what it was. It wasn't anger .
Fear. None of that.
Toffee started leaving in closer and your breathe hitched you didn't know what to do.....Toffee kissed you and it felt like firework's were going off.
It was amazing.
Got any questions?
Just comment and I'll answer them :)
Oh yeah just pretend like ludo's castle never blew up but its toffee's now.
The next chapter there might be.... A lot of romance.
Like a lot. *SPOILERS!!! (Makeout session!.)

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