One year earlier

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Disclaimer I do not own thirteen reasons why. I only own Perri

This Chapter has been edited, Perri in the MM
"There's my chicken Perri, Perri." I rolled my eyes at my best friend Kat as she walked into the café.

"You're late bitch." I said finishing my game on my phone.

"Sorry not sorry you know it takes time to be this fabulous. Besides I brought a new friend." She said and I finally looks up to see a pretty girl, with long curly brown hair and blue eyes.

"Oh hi." I said

"This is Hannah Baker. Hannah this is Perri Down." Kat introduced

"Hey nice to meet you." She said sitting next to Kat

"You too."

"So, Hannah just moved here, and I thought what better way for her to meet people than to throw a party!"

"Really Kat? That's why you need a party?" I said then turned to Hannah

"She'll use any excuse to throw a party don't let her fool you." I told her and she laughed

"No, we talked about it, it should be fine. My parents will be out of town we're still moving stuff." Hannah said

"We'll have it a week before school starts, it will be a goodbye Kat/ hello Hannah party." Kat said dramatically. Her mom got this great new promotion in New York, but it's taking my bestie 1,300 miles away. I didn't know what I was going to do this coming school year without my kit Kat.

We've been best friends since kindergarten, and we're practically attached at the hip as our parents would say. We tried everything to stop the move, even moving her to my house. Which was a resounding no from all the parentals. So now she's leaving at the end of the month.


Perri and Kat were nuts in a good way though I was happy they welcomed me with open arms. They had been best friends since kindergarten. When Kat declared that Perri's first name Coleen, was a grandmas name and that her middle name Perri was much cooler. Eventually it caught on and everyone ever her parents called her Perri.

Kat and I stayed the night at Hannah's the night before the party. Hannah fit into our twosome like a glove. We hung out for the day and began setting up for the party around 8.

"So, what should I expect?" Hannah asked.

"High school." Kat and I said together.

"Hot guys, nerds-" I said.

"Fake bitches, the works you know." Kat added.

"Have you met anyone besides us since you've been here?" I asked.

"Yeah, um Clay Jensen, you know him?"

"Everyone knows Clay, he's cool. How did you meet him?" I asked.

"We work together at 'the Crestmont' I invited him tonight actually. She said and Kat and I laughed

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing like I said Clay's cool, he's just not very sociable." I said but Kat cut in.

"She means Clay hasn't been to a party since we were 4, and I doubt he's going to start now."

"He might, Hannah's hot." I said.

"I bet you both five bucks he won't show." She said.

"You're so on." Hannah said and I nodded in agreement. Then we continued getting ready.

The party was now in full swing and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Kat was taking Hannah around introducing her to everyone. I was on the porch talking to Sheri Harris, she and I were very close we were on the cheerleading squad together. We were talking about our upcoming season, when Kat and Hannah came outside with.... surprise, surprise Clay.

"Well, well, well look who's here." I said to him.

"Hey Perri." He said with a small wave.

"Hey Clay. How's our Hannah? Are you keeping up with the Kat tour?" I asked.

"I'll probably need a refresher on who's, who" She said, and we laughed as Kat rolled her eyes

"And after all I've done." She said then we heard shouting. We turned and saw Justin Foley and Zach Dempsey wrestling in the sprinklers. I laughed a little at their childishness.

"Now that's Liberty high finest Zach and Justin." Kat said sarcastically.

"Now Justin's mine but you can have Zach. She said sticking her tongue out at me, and I hit her arm.

"Very funny." I said.

"Ow you bitch." She said rubbing her arm.

"Wait I thought you guys broke up last week." Kat said.

"So? That was last week. We're having a new beginning starting this year." I said and they laughed as Kat turned to Hannah who looked confused.

"Perri and Zach started dating last year, but they break up every other week because Zach's dumb."

"He's not dumb!"

"Come on be honest Perri." Clay said.

"Whatever, sure he's slightly academically challenged, but he's sweet."

"Sweet really?" Clay chuckled.

"Yes!" I snapped and they laughed at me.

"You know what fuck all of you." I said then Kat turned back to the boys.

"Nice show but you can't come in Hannah's house soaking wet like that." She told them.

"Aw come on." Justin said.


"You serious? You know it's not a party without us." Zach said.

"We'll take our chances." She said then Justin pulled his shirt off and I rolled my eyes.

"How about now?" He asked.

"Slight improvement but still a no go. Go dry off." She told them they looked at each other and laughed. Then Zach came up the steps

"I meant it Dempsey." Kat said.

"Chill, Hey" He smirked at me

"Hi." I said with a smile as he kissed me then he and Justin took off down the street.


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