Chapter 11

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Hannah and I were only able to hang out once since Bryce's party, but she was so standoffish. I could tell something was wrong, but when I asked her, she said she was fine. So, I stopped pushing I knew she'd tell me when she was ready or if it was something serious. The night before was the first game of the football season, I tried to get her to come but she refused.

Today I was trying to find her to invite her over for a girls night but once again. She was nowhere to be found. At least until class change for third period, she was just standing in the middle of the hall, looking lost. Then she turned and started heading for the door

"Hannah!" I called following her, but she just kept walking I watched as she walked out of the building

"What's going on?" Zach asked placing a on my shoulder

"I don't know she just ignored me and left."

"Maybe she's sick." He said and I shook my head.

"Somethings wrong." I said getting a bad feeling in my stomach

"I'm sure she's fine, come on." He said pulling me along but I wouldn't move

"Look if it makes you feel better, I'll take you by there after school." He said taking my hand I kissed his cheek

"No, it's fine I drove today I'll go after practice." I told him as then bell rang and we went to class.

During last period principal Bolan announced that all after school activities would be cancelled, everyone was shocked and started gossiping about why that happened. When the final bell rang, I found Tyler and we headed home.

"Hey dad's home early." He said and I frowned as I saw his car in the driveway

"I wonder what's going on." I said parking the car.

We headed into the house where our parents were waiting in the living room.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked them

"Why don't you guys come sit down?" Mom said, as I looked at her, I could tell she had been crying

"What's going on?" I asked again.

"Come sit like you mom said." Dad said Tyler and I looked at each other then walked over and sat on the couch they sat across from us just staring

"Alright you guys are starting to freak me out." I said

"Well, we're not exactly sure how to say this." Dad said

"Please don't tell us you're pregnant." Tyler said and I frowned

"Yeah that's gross." I added

They looked at each other then turned to us

"No, I'm not pregnant." Mom said and I let out the breath I was holding

"So?" Tyler asked

"Um well it's about Hannah." Dad said

"What's wrong with Hannah?" I asked


"Hannah committed suicide a few hours ago." Dad said and I felt confused

"Wait what?" I said

"Her parents found her a few hours ago."

"No, she was just at school, I just saw her." I said

"oh sweetheart." Mom said sitting next to me and putting her arm around me

"Hannah's fine." I said shaking my head

"No baby she isn't. She's gone, I'm so sorry."

I was still trying to wrap my head around it 'Hannah's dead'

To be continued.......................

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