Chapter 8

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When I found out about Zach stealing my complements, the first person I wanted to tell was Perri. I wanted to tell her everything, every time I see them laughing and kissing. I wanted to tell her she deserves better. That Zach was just like the rest of the jocks and popular people at this school, but Zach's words held me back. So, I texted Jessica asking her to meet me at Monet's, but she never showed. I've slowly been feeling like I'm drowning, and I was so over everything. I just felt drained, and I wanted it to stop but. I don't know how.

When the school year ended, I was relieved I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Not having to see those faces every day or hearing them talk about me. I focused on work, which kind of turned into a drag because Clay was gone to his grandparents for the summer. Perri and I hung out a lot, until her parents surprised her with a trip to New York to visit Kat. Then it my parents were starting to struggle with the store. So much so that we were having to downsize houses. They tried to hide it from me but now they had no choice but to tell me.


I got back yesterday afternoon, so I spent the rest of the day with my parents. Telling them all about my trip and showing my pictures. Last night Zach texted me about the back-to-school party that Jessica was throwing tonight.

"Are you going out?" Tyler asked as I did my make-up.

"What does it look like?" I said shorty, our relationship hasn't been the same, the only reason we still talk is because we're related.

"Jessica's party right?" He asked making me roll my eyes.

"Can I get a ride?"

"No, Zach's picking me up and he doesn't like you." I said and he just stood there.

"You can leave now." I said and he sighed then walked away.

"Perri Zach's here!" mom called

"Coming!" I said grabbing my purse, I pushed past Tyler who was still standing in the hall and launched myself into Zach's arms.

"I've missed you so much." I said in his ear

"I've missed you too." He said then kissed my cheek

"Geez guys it's only been a few weeks." My mom laughed as we pulled apart

"I know forever." I said burning my head in his chest

"Such a drama queen, don't forget curfew is at 12." Mom said as Zach and I left and once we got into his car we began making out.

"Let's forget the party and go back to my house." He said kissing my neck

"How have you been? I thought about you everyday." His dad passed away at the end of the school year

"Some days are better than others, but I'm coping I guess."

"Where's your Mom and Mai?" I asked pulling away

"My grandparents." He said then kissed me again, then started then car

"I really missed you P." He said taking my hand.

"I missed you too Dempsey." I said with a smile.

We got to Jessica's but it was still early and somehow we ended up helping her set up.

"How did this end up happening?" I asked Zach as I put drinks in the cooler.

"Justin asked us to help." He said while he and Bryce tried to tap the keg.

"Justin isn't even here." I said and they laughed.

"When did, this start with him and Jessica?"

"Sometime during summer school." Bryce answered making me frown. While Jessica and I were cool I wouldn't call us friends, we only talked or hung out if it had something to do with cheerleading. I know Hannah told her about Justin but whatever it was none of my business.

Hannah was on my mind I sent her a text asking her if she was coming tonight, but she didn't respond so I put my phone away for now. She actually didn't respond until about an hour into the party with a 'no'.

"Well, that won't work." I said to myself, I found Zach in the kitchen.

"Give me your keys." I told him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Your keys." I said going in his pocket and pulled them out

"I'll be right back." I said then kissed him and left. I drove over to Hannah's and knocked to be greeted by Mrs. Baker

"It's good to see you Perri!" She said giving me a hug

"You too Mrs. B."

"How was your trip?" She asked

"Good I had a lot of fun, but we missed Hannah. Is she ready?"

"I didn't know you guys had plans. Hannah Perri's here." She called and Hannah came down and my jaw dropped once I saw her. Her once long locks was now cut to just above her shoulders.

"Wow Hannah." Mrs. Baker said sounding surprised as well.

"I like it." I said


"Yeah new year new Hannah, it's inspiring I might go blonde." I said and she laughed and we hugged

"Are you ready?" I asked and she gave me a look

"Jessica's party, come on it's the perfect way to start junior year."

"Yeah Hannah go."

"But, I have work to do."

"It can wait, Hannah now go have fun."

"You heard your mom, now let's go." I told her and she nodded and went to change and we left

"Oh my god how did you get Zach's car?"

"I'm very persuasive." I said with a smirk

"Ew!" She said hitting my arm

"Thanks for coming to get me. I had been going back and forth all night if I should go or not...I had a pretty interesting invite earlier."

"From who?"


"Shut up! Clay Jensen!"

"Yeah, he even offered me a ride home on his famous bike."

"Aww you like him!" I sang.

"No, we're just friends."

"You love him, you want to hug him, you want to kiss him." I sang.

"Oh my God I can tell you spent the last two weeks with Kat." She said

"I like this we're going to make this happen you and Clay would be so cute." I said then we started talking about what's been going on since we've been apart,

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