Chapter 5

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After the dance things seemed to be getting a little better. It was easier, to get out of bed and put on a fake smile as I walked into Liberty High. Perri did her best to make time for girls nights, and things like that. I was finally feeling ok, until I started to feel like someone was watching me.

It started one night after I got off work, I was unlocking the front door. When I heard a weird noise, I looked around but didn't see anyone. Then I heard it again, I quickly opened the door and rushed in the house. I locked the door and closed the drapes, I convinced myself I was hearing things.

The next night I was in my room changing, when I heard a 'clicking' noise outside my window. Once again I saw no one. I was on edge most of the week, so this weekend I decided so set a trap. Perri wasn't able to come so my new friend Courtney volunteered. She was nice, completely different from both Perri and Jessica. We decided to let lose a little by breaking into the liquor cabinet, we got a little drunk and ended up playing truth or dare. Courtney ended up kissing me, no biggie right? Well at least to me it wasn't. As Courtney pushed me back on the bed I heard the clicking again, and I knew I had caught my rat. I pushed Courtney off of me and grabbed the blinder she brought and flashed it through the window, and the guy fell out of the bushes. I froze as I looked into the eyes of Tyler Down, Perri's little brother. He had his camera around his neck, we stared at each other for what felt like hours then he ran. Courtney freaked out and grabbed her stuff and left. I immediately called Perri but I didn't get an answer. I really needed to talk to her.

The next morning I found Perri in the courtyard, wrapped up in Zach's arms for once they were alone. They were laughing at something when I walked up

"Hey girlie I meant to call you back-"

"But she was a little busy." Zach said then kissed her neck, and she hit his arm lightly

"Stop." She said to him then she looked at me

"What's up?" She asked

"Can we talk alone?" I asked

"Yeah sure." She said then kissed Zach and looped her arm with mine.

"What's going on?"

"It's serious." I said and she nodded

"What happened?"

"Remember I told you I felt like someone was watching me?"


"Well, I found out who it was

"Oh my god Hannah, did you call the police? Who was it?"

"Tyler." I said and she dropped my hand like it was on fire

"Tyler's been stalking me for the past few weeks."

"Shut up." She said and I frowned


"Just stop it Hannah! Tyler would never."

"Perri I caught him outside my window with his camera last night."

"Look I know he's weird, but stalking? Get a reality check."

"It's true Courtney was there."

"Don't you ever get enough of the drama?" She said and I looked at her I couldn't believe what she was saying

"Perri the only reason, I haven't called the police is because of you."

"Fuck you." She said and I felt like I had been slapped by Jessica all over again

"You can't call the police because you don't have any evidence. I won't let you hurt my parents or ruin my family."

"Perri I didn't –"

"You are just so full of yourself everyday it's something with you, and I'm sick of it grow up. This is high school get over it." She said then walked away

I tried to stop the tears as it hit me that I was officially alone. My best friend just walked away, Courtney was avoiding me and Jessica wasn't even an option. I tracked Tyler down during lunch he was in the school dark room.

"Give me every copy of those pictures you have now, or I'm going to the police." I snapped

"Look Hannah I'm sorry."

"I don't care get rid of them now, or else. Why would you do it?"

"I just didn't know how to talk to you."

"What?" I asked in disbelief

"You're just so pretty and, and.....W-would you like to go out sometime?"

"Seriously?" He couldn't be this stupid, but he was as he nodded. I couldn't help myself as I laughed then left the room. Which ended up being one of the worst decisions I ever made, because he sent that photo all around school before the day was over.

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