Chapter 9

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Once we got to the party, we were greeted by Bryce

"Hey Hannah Baker!" He said then a few other people began chanting

"Hannah' 'Hannah' 'Hannah'

"Looking good, I like the hair." He said and she blushed.

"Thanks." She said.

"See not so bad right?" I said as Clay came over.

"Hey Perri." He said then turned to Hannah before I could respond.

"You came."

"I did, it took some thought but then you promised me a ride on your bike, so I knew I couldn't pass that up."

"Actually, I didn't bring the bike, but a nice moonlit walk I can do." He said.


"So, can I get you something to drink?"

"Yeah thanks."

"Perri did you want something?"

"No, I'm good thanks Clay." I said then he walked over to the keg.

"Where's my keys?" Zach said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Here caveman." I said handing him the keys.

"Is my car ok?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"Well besides the couple of mailboxes, and that one streetlight she hit. It's fine." Hannah said

"Right and the fire hydrant but you should be able to buff it out." I teased.

"Not funny." He said letting go of me and went outside and we laughed.

"Did you see his face?"

"Yes, he loves that car more than me." I went to follow him but I turned back to her. She looked a little tense

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine go enjoy." She said and I nodded then went outside and found Zach circling his car.

"Really?" I asked with a laugh.

"Just checking."

"Whatever, I'm a better driver than you even when I'm drunk." I said and he scoffed.

"It's true and you know it, now come dance with me." I said pulling him inside.

As we were dancing, I bumped into Jeff Atkins spilling some of my drink on him

"I am so sorry Jeff." I said I was starting to get slightly tipsy

"It's cool, come check this out." He said and put his arm around my shoulders and pointed to Hannah and Clay sitting closely on the couch talking

"Oh my God our kids are growing up."

"I know I could cry." He joked

"It's about time." I said and he nodded in agreement

"Aw shit." He said as a drunk Greg sat in between them

"Go get him, get him."

"I'm on it."

I watched as Jeff pull Greg away from Clay and Hannah and over to the beer pong table.

I exiled my cup then went inside and found Zach in the living room on the couch he pulled me onto his lap as the group started plying suck and blow

"I need some air." I said getting off of Zach's lap

"I'll come with." He said taking my hand and we went out front.

"Have I told you, how good you look tonight?" He said wrapping his arms around me

"I don't look good every night?" I asked

"No, I didn't mean it like that I—" I cut him off with a kiss

"I did get you something while I was in New York." I said

"You did?"

"Uh huh, it's lacy and red and I'm wearing it right now."

"Let's go now." He said in my ear making me smile

"Hey guys I'm about to make a booze run you want something?" Jeff asked walking out of the house and Zach groaned as I pulled away

"No, we're about to leave." I told him just as Clay stormed out of the house. Jeff went to stop him they talked for a minute then Clay left

"What happened?" I asked him

"I think he just freaked, we're going have to take baby steps with these two." He said and I sighed

"I'm going get my keys." Zach said and I nodded. I was waiting by the fence when Hannah came out with Sheri.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked Hannah as Sheri helped her to the car

"Fine just a little drunk." She slurred

"Zach and I were getting ready to leave, we can take her."

"No, it's fine, you guys go have fun."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, no biggie." She said helping Hannah into the front seat

"I'll call you in the morning Han." I said and she nodded, so I shut the door and turned to Sheri

"Would you mind covering for me tonight?"

"Ohh you and Zach?" She said with a smirk

"I haven't seen him in like two weeks, what do you think?" I said with a smirk

"Gross I got you covered be safe." She said then she left.



I laid in my bed laughing as I watched my tipsy girlfriend dancing around my room in just my shirt.

"What's so funny Dempsey?"

"You are Down now come here sexy." She smirked and crawled over to me and kissed me. She was too good for me, I've been thinking about telling her what I did with Hannah. Of course she'd be upset but I hoped we could work it out. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my chest.

"Perri I have something to tell you." I said and she looked up at me, with those beautiful brown eyes that I love so much and I knew I couldn't do it.

"What's up babe?"

"I just really missed you." I said and she smiled and pulled me in for a kiss

Eyes Shut (Zach Dempsey)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang