I want Hyungs

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"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Chanie~ Happy birthday to you!"

The two parents walked into their sons room as he started to wake himself up due to his parents singing.

Chan shot up from the bed and jumped to his mother engulfing him in a large hug giggling as his dad, who had set the cake down, began to tickle his little boy's sides.

Chan was turning 8 today, and though he was a year older he still had a very small body shape. By image he looked like he was 4 but he has the mental age of a 10 year old.

"Thank you mommy and daddy!" Chan giggled again letting his mother shift him on his hip.

"Make a wish Chanie" Seungcheoul smiled at his son as he held a small cake with blue and yellow icing with a candle in the shape of a number 8.

Chan sucked in a large breath of air, but he didn't release it to the candle. Chan looked down and fiddled with his arms while letting out a sigh not meeting his parents gaze.

"What's wrong baby?" Jeonghan asked his little boy while pulling the 8 year olds pj shirt down.

"Mom, Dad, do birthday wishes come true?" Chan looked up shyly to see his parents smiling.

"Of course they do baby boy why do you ask?" Seungcheoul asked with a brow raised.

Raising his head, Chan had a large smile painted on his face which made his parent laugh. Chan pressed his palms together in front of his face and closed his eyes tightly as he made his wish, then proceeded to blow out the half burnt out candle.

Both parents cheered once Chan blew out the candle. Upon hearing the doorbell, Chan shimmied from his mothers grasp before running down the mansion stairs to the front door to meet the guest at the door.

You see Seungcheoul was the CEO of SVT Entertainment and Jeonghan was a famous Actor, the two had met at an award event dinner where Jeonghan had won Actor of the year whilst Seungcheoul had won best starting Entertainment company.

The two had instantly connected and soon started dating, which led to a proposal, then marriage, and it was a surprise to no one when the newlyweds announced they were pregnant.

But that was all years ago, Jeonghan had given up the Acting career and became a stay at home parent, while Seungcheoul worked from home. They wanted to make the most time for their son, and that they did.

Today was their sons 8th birthday, they had always went beyond for little Chan, even his Grandparents and Uncles went beyond for him.

Chan ran to the large front door opening it to see his grandparents and uncles and sporting gifts and smiles for the small Choi.

"Happy birthday Chanie!" The 6 elders cheered stepping inside the home. Taekwoo, Jeonghan's father, bent down and lifted the small Choi to place him on his hip.

The rest of the family walked in to say Hello to Jeonghan and his husband.

"Hello mom, how are you" Jeonghan hugged his mother before giving his siblings a hug.

"I'm good my darling, how are you three?" Hakyeon stood next to his son while watching his grandson play tag with his husband.

"We're good, so far Chan is happy about turning 8" Jeonghan smiled at his little boy as he chased his father and uncles playing tag where Chan was it.

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