Food fight!

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It's been two months since the day the 10 new brothers came to the house, everyone was getting along wonderfully! In fact, today was one of the 10 (now 11) year olds birthday!

Junhui started his day like he usually did, woke up brushed his teeth and then woke his roommates, Chan and Minghao.

Once the 8 year olds were up they trotted their way downstairs to the kitchen to find some snack.

"Oh Junhui-hyung, I forgot my stuffed froggie, can you go upstairs and get it for me? Pa-leeeeeeese?!" Chan looked up to his tall Chinese brother with his hands clasped with Minghao's.

Junhui smiled as he ruffled his little brothers hair.

"Okay, go downstairs and see if anyone is up, okay?" Junhui smiled as he saw his two little brothers salute while standing straight.

As Junhui turned to go back up the stairs, Chan and Minghao dashed down the stairs to make sure the rest of the family was ready with the preparations.

In the kitchen, streamers hung from the ceiling presents littered the kitchen counter and every member of the Choi and Yoon family rushed to find a hiding place.

Upstairs though, as Junhui went searching for Chan's Froggie stuffed animal, felt slightly upset that no one has came in the morning to wake him up and tell him happy birthday, it was already noon and no one had came in once, but though he was upset, he refused to let it show! He will go through the day being thankful for the family he has! Birthday or not!

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Junhui noticed the 'way to quiet' atmosphere, I mean living with 10 brothers it's kinda a given for the house to be loud.

Walking into the kitchen on the brink of tears thinking he had been abandoned, he was halted in midst of rubbing the tears from his eyes when a loud yell chorused through the house.


All the family member jumped from their hiding spots and popped their celebratory popper.

The eldest Chinese brother was shocked seeing his entire family around him, his grandparents, his uncles, his brothers, his mother, his father...but then it hit him,

'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'
'Mother and Father'

He sang this in his head over and over letting tears finally slip from his eyes. As Seungcheoul and Jeonghan walked closer to him the worried why their son was crying, didn't he like the surprise?

Quickly Junhui wrapped his arms around his parents, hugging them tightly.

"Thank you for gifting me the honor of being you son, I love you both" Junhui cried as he kept hugging his parents refusing to let go.

Seungcheoul and Jeonghan were crying as well, hugging the Chinese boy back.

Once released, Junhui went on to hug his brother, his uncles, and his grandparents.

Later throughout the day, games were played, the boys swam in the pool and after Hoshi and Dokyeom got chased by their Dad for pushing him into the pool as well, it was time to eat some good ol Chinese food! Curtesy of Seungcheouls mother Xiumin and his brother Lay and his husband Luhan.

Everything was going wonderful, the kids were stuffing their faces and the grandparents were talking as they ate, but one uncle decided to spice up the party a bit.

You see assuming the party was just a little too boring, Sehun decided to spice things up just a bit.

Taking his very saucy chicken placed in front of him, he flung a very reasonable size piece at his brother Kai, who sat at the other end of the table.

The chicken hit right above his left eye hard causing the poor chicken bite to explode onto Kai's very expensive shirt.

Kai quickly and calmly picked up a Chinese doughnut and flung it to Sehun, but he dodged it quickly leading it to hit Vernon.

Vernon turned looking to where the doughnut hit in the side of the head and it pointed to Wonwoo who was sitting in that direction.

Vernon grabbed a handful of his noodles and flung it at Wonwoo but it ended up hitting his Grandfather Taekwoon, Vernon's eyes widened in fear, that DEFIANTLY wasn't his target and he quickly put his head down.

Takewoon looked around knowing it was Vernon who threw the food at him but had also been seeing the food flying before Vernon threw it, so he did the logical thing, he stood up making the entire table look at him.

Taekwoon grabbed a handful of rice and flung it at Sehun hitting the younger flat in the face, and he proceeded to sit back down.

Though the elders were shocked, the younger's were excited, quickly Jihoon stood and grabbed a handful of his rice and Hoshi's chicken.


And from that word on Chinese food flew around the dining room, it was the elders vs the children, there wasn't one person who wasn't covered in food, weather it was Chinese or birthday cake.

Soon each group surrendered and they each just lay on the floor, but the counter, or even under the table covers in food. All members of each family laughing their butts off.

"I'm sorry if we ruined your cake Junhui, we'll get you a new one" Lay patted his nephews head that was covers in colorful frosting and Chinese noodles.

"Are you kidding?! This is the first and ultimately the best birthday party I've ever had! I love you all!" Junhui smiled wide looking to all the adults.

Seungcheoul and Jeonghan didn't even worry about the mess, as long as their son was happy, they were happy.

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