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Little chan ran into the swarm of younger's almost knocking the group down with his tiny body.

Seungcheoul's brother and Boyfriend came behind their nephew to give Seungcheoul and Jeonghan a hug before watching the small children playing a game of tag.

"How were you able to get kids this quickly?" Beakhyun asked watching the boys being chased by the tallest child there.

"Well Jeonghan had a connection with a church that he once used as a filming location, lucky they are always open and we decided to adopt kids" Seungcheoul explained smiling while placing his arm around Jeonghan's shoulder allowing the ling haired to snuggle into his husbands embrace.

"But why so many?" Chanyeol gaped whilst watching the 11 boys place their feet into the water of the large pool.

"Well Dino said he wanted 10 brothers, so we gave him 10!" Seungcheoul smiled at Chan as he gave Vernon and Soonyoung a hug.

"Well when we went to the orphanage, we saw this group of boys outside on the floor stargazing, and when we asked about them they said they can't be separated because they are a family, and we agreed with that! So we adopted them all!" Jeonghan smiled looking at the boys playing in the grass once more.

The elders continued their conversation for a few hours before the Chanbeck couple had to go. The kids bowed at first to their elders until Chanyeol pulled them into a hug.

Once the uncles left, Seungcheoul and Jeonghan called the kids inside to distribute rooms and decorations.

"Okay kids we know all of you are a group and some of you are brothers but we would like who would like to share a room with who?" Seungcheoul asked looking at the boys sitting on the couch.

"Though Seungkwanie is my brother... I would like to room with Jihoon! I need to be there for whatever reason he cries!" Soonyoung declares holding the small boy's hand.

"Yeah, and although Vernonie is my brother, Wonwoo only really likes to talk to me!... I'm sorry Vernonie..." Mingyu hugged his brother before going to stand by the slightly smaller Wonwoo.

"It's okay Mingyu Hyung I will share a room with Seungkwan, that way the two oldest can share a room! Is that okay Joshua Hyung?" Vernon, who was a few inches shorter then Seungkwan asked the second oldest.

"Of course it is Vernonie! I don't mind sharing a room with Dokyeom-shii...Junhui will you and Minghao be okay in a room on your own?" Joshua asked looking to the two Chinese kids with questionable looks.

"We will be good Hyung! No need to worry about us!" Junhui answered smiling happily with Minghao perched on his hip.

You see Junjui was very tall for his age and Minghao was very small for his age so Junhui treated him a lot younger then his actual age.

Jeonghan and his husband smiled at each of the boys telling them to start thinking of their bedroom ideas and that each boy would get half the room to decorate the way they wanted why the parents made lunch.

Each room partners sat together and started to plan out how each other wanted their side of the room, leaving little Chan to to wander into the kitchen to sulk.

"What wrong baby?" Jeonghan asked noticing the gloomy face on his smallest boy.
(Chan is smaller then Minghao)

"Well it's just that all the hyung's have a roommate and I don't have one...." Chan started to sniffle slightly but he didn't want his parents to see him crying, he wanted to be strong.

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